WW1 Conscription Crisis
By the middle of the war French Canadians felt they had done enough in the european theatre and were opposed to sending more troops to the front. -
Period: to
Duplessis/The Great Darkness
Maurice Duplessis served as the Premier of Quebec and the leader of the Union Nationale Party. He believed Quebec should be recognized as a Distinct Society. Bribery and corruption were trademarks of the Union Nationale. Duplessis was known for supporting the catholic church and catholic education. Resulting in Quebec schools graduating many teachers and philosophers but very few business men, entrepenuers, etc. As a result Quebec's economy became stagnant. -
WW2 Conscription
By 1942 reserves were startingly low and Hitler had controlled all of europe, raising the need for conscripts. By the time they were trained the war was mostly over. Strained but did not destroy French-English relations. -
Quiet Revolution begins
Jean Lesage replaced Duplessis after his death and began to modernize education, politics and culture. It was called a "quiet" revolution because there was no violence. Jean Lesage of the liberal party won the election under the motto, "maitre chez nous" - Masters of our own house. -
Front de liberation du Quebec LQ party is formed
The FLQ were an organisation of extreme seperatists who used violence to achieve thier goals. -
New Canadian Flag
Under the Pearson government it was decided to have a new flag without a British symbol on it. It was also used as a way to unite the country. -
Canada's new immigration becomes Colour Blind
Prior to this the immigraton policy was restrictive, giving preference to english speaking applicants. The new policy was based on a points system where applicants were scored. Jobs in need in canada were given higher scores that jobs with less demand. -
Peirre Trudeau becomes Prime Minister
Official Languages Act is Passed
The official languages act gave all Canadians the legal right to and ability to deal with the federal government in either French or English. Additionally all products sold in Canada had to be labeled in both languages. -
War Measures Act
War Measures Act The War Measures Act was invoked in response to the October crisis, giving the government the power to take away certain civil rights. As a result thousands of searches wee conducted and 400 arrests were made. Membership of the FLQ became illegal and all political rallies were banned. The act was brought in based on the belief that there was a widespread conspiracy to overthrow the Canadian government. -
Bill 22
Bill 22 Bill 22 was introduced by the liberal premier of Quebec, Robert Bourasa. The bill made French the official language of Quebec and strengthened french in the workplace. Children now had to pass a english profiency test it order to enroll in an english school. -
Bill 101
Bill 101Was also referred to as the Charter or the French Language. This made french the only language in Quebec. It also further restricted the ability for children to attend english schools in Quebec. Atleast one parent had to have attended english school in Quebec. Causesd widespread backlash within Quebec and across Canada as it was seen as oppressive and restricted thier ability to conduct business with english Canada. -
Quebec Referendum
Quebec Referendum
A referendum was held to decided whether Quebec became politically independant, yet maintain a economic connection to Canada. Rene Levesque asked citizens to vote yes to negotiate a new agreement with Canada based on Sovreignty-association. "No" vote won 60% to @ -
Constitution Act
Constitution Act
Solidified the Charter of RIghts and Freedoms and made it possible for the constitution to be amended without British approval. Quebec continued to protest that they had not been fully included in decisions around the act. -
Constitution is Patriated Without Quebec's Signature
Patriation of the Constitution
The constitution was brought back from Britain and transferred the BNA to Canadian control. The constituion was updated to include the amendment formula as well as the Charter of Rights. There was widespread discontent within Quebec as many of these changes were negotiated without representation from Quebec. -
Reform Party Created
Reform Party
Brian Mulroney wanted to in included Quebec's signiture on the constitution with "honour and enthusiasm". Feelings of western alienation, senate reform, Fr-Eng rift and aboriginal representation led to the creation of this party. -
Department of Multiculturism
Multiculturism in Canada
The department of multiculturism was formed on the belief of the Canadian "mosaic". Wanted to avoid the US "Melting pot". Discouraged assimilation and encouraged expressing your culture. -
Meech Lake Accord
Meech Lake Accord
PM Mulroney calls a conference at Meech Lake proposing constitutional ammendments. This was done to recognise Quebec as a Distinct Society and to give more power to the provinces. Known as the Quebec round in the media as much of Canada felt there was too much focus on workign with Quebec. When the accord failed French-Canadians felt they had been rejected by Canada. -
Bloq Quebecois Formed
Bloq Quebecois
The Bloq Quebecois was formed by Lucien Bouchard who resigned from the cabinet to form a party to represent French Canadians. -
Charlottetown Accord
Charlottetown Accord
PM Mulroney continued the constitution debates. Charlottetown accord proposed reforming the senate, Aboriginal self government, universal health care, workers rights, enviromental issues and protection. 54.5% of Canadians rejected Charlottetown because there were too many clauses. Quebec still felt there issues had not been addressed. -
2nd Referendum
Quebec Referendum
Quebec is angered by the failed constitution debates and elects Parti Quebecois leader Jacques Parizeau. He calls for a referendum on full sovereignty for Quebec. The "No" vote wins with 50.6%. The clarity bill was is created in response to the referendum. -
Clarity Bill
Clarity Bill
The Clarity Bill was created in response to Quebec's second referendum. The issue of Quebec seperation was sent to the supreme court by PM Chretien. The court ruled that Quebec could not try to seperate again and would have to negotiate with the other 9 provinces.