The bet
The whole reason film was created was to have proof for a bet. The bet was that when a horse is running at full speed that all four legs are off the ground at one time. To prove this Eadweard Muybridge lined up cameras around the track and took pictures right after one another and the fast motions of repeatly taking pictures proved that horses indeed do have four legs off the ground at one point. -
The Vaudville theaters started to pop up in many places. These theaters involved short skits and a mixture of speciality acts such as comedy song and dance. This type of theater was widly popular in the 20th century til around the 1930s -
The peephole kinetoscope
Thomas Edison created the peephole kinetoscope which allowed only one person to view a short movie. He withheld his creation of the projector because having people wait and pay one at a time brought in more money than if he were to release his porjector and made them watch a movie in groups of 30s and 40s -
Lumiere projector
The lumiere brothers created a device which they saw fixed what was wrong with Edisons Peephole Kinetoscope. They fixed the bulkiness and the viewing nature of edisons device. They made movies viewable to many people instead of just one person at a time. -
Luimere brothers cinematgraphe
The first films to come out of the brothers Cinematographe theaters were actuality films like workers leaving work and people walking on the street. The first movies were invites only. Unlike edison the brothers were quick to patent their porduct for not only in france but outside of the country aswell. -
Great train robbery
The Great train robbery was the first narritive movie. It was 12 minutes long and considered an epic of its time. The director of the film was a former employee of Thomas Edison. -
The nickelodeon theaters got their name from the price of addmisson which was just a nickel. Nickelodeons were the first places to play motion pictures. Most motion pictures were 30 seconds to 2 minutes long and of basic things like a man falling off of a horse or a train coming through the screen. -
Thomas Edison
Thomas invented the peephole kinetoscope and also the projector but he didn't release his projector invention because he could make more money by having people pay one at a time to view the movie on he's kinetoscope device. He was also part of the MPPC which was a monopoly owning all film studios and equipment in the northeast. They were brutal and mean trashing other directors equipment if they didn't use theirs or hurting the actors and actresses of indecent film directors. -
The MPPC or motion picture patent company was created by thomas edison and friends. The company was a monoploy, owing all equipment and actors. The company was ruthless, if they found out that any indie movies were being filmed they would show up and destroy all the equipment and harm the actors. -
Because of the MPPC many actors and indie directors moved to hollywood california out of fear and there was better scenic views and better light for the pictures and film. -
Charlie Chaplin
Charlie was a famous silent movie actor. He used comedy to make fun of serious situations or government people. He also hinted at social equality in his movies. -
Americas sweetheart
Mary Pickford was a silent film actress. She was a cofounder of the film studio United artists and also a founder of Academy motion picture art and sciences.