It all started with a bet
A man named Edward Muybridge made a bet of $25,000 his bet was that when a horse runs in full speed that all of its hooves move off the ground. He proved it by lining up several cameras side by side and wen the horse ran the cameras captured the moment. he won the bet. -
Thomas Edison ivented the peephole kinetoscope
Thomas Edison invented the peephole kinetoscope were people would come to watch movies individual. But Edison did not make a projector. The Lumire brothers made a projector that could show motion pictures on a screen for an audience. -
The very first movie theater
the very first movie theater was made in 1895. it was known as a kinetoscope parlor. At these theaters you can see images.But it was only for a one person audience. Thomas Edison liked the fact that only one person could go to the theater at a time he thought that he could get more money out of it. -
the lumire brothers
the lumire brothers made a projector called cinematographe. this projector showed films that were from 30 to 60 seconds long. One of these films were of a train coming to the screen and since people in france have never seen anything like that before; they all were trying to get out the way and hurt themselves. -
the vaudeville
these short films then expanded into vaudevilles (small theaters that featured short dramatic skits, comedy routines, and song and dance numbers) it was quite popular. Thse vaudevilles then expaneded into what was called nickelodeons. -
"The Great Train Robbery"
the Great Train Robbery was the first narrative movie one that really told a story. This movie lasted 12 minutes. It had different camera positions and 14 scenes though out the entire film. Thomas Edison created this film. -
the nickelodeons
Vaudeville then expanded into nickelodeons. Nickelodeons got the name because you only had to pay a nickel to watch a film. Nickelodeon theaters were attracting 26 million viewers each week, In five years that number doubled. -
The Early Days
Led by Thomas Edison, several companies formed a trust called Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC). They had owned everything from raw film stock, projection equipment, to film distribution and exhibition. -
Charlie chaplin
Charlie Chaplin was an amazing actor he was in silent comedy movies. He started out working at $150 a week, and by 1917 was making more than a million a year. Chaplin used his films to give messages about good and evil in society --- especially the disparity between the haves ans the have nots. -
Independent companies
Independent companies (companies who tried to compete with Thomas Edison and his companies).tried t make films of there own, but MPPC people raided the independent studios. Smashed equipment, ad employees were threatened. -
The East coast
Films were originally shot in the East Coast of the United States were the film business originated.This soon changed for two reasons. One; films were shoot outside a lot of light was needed to accommodate the slow speed of the film.Two; the west coast was farther away from the MPPA control so in case of an emergency Thomas Edison and his crew would arrive they would could escape to mexico. -
How the Actors and Actresses were treated
Thomas Edison did not list the names of his actors in his films because he thought that they would demand more money. But the Independent studios did list their actors names because thy thought that they deserved it.