
History of film making

  • phenakistoscope

    pictures on rotting disc that if spun fast enough would look like movement
  • The horse bet

    The horse bet
    Wanted to see if all four hooves left the ground so he set twelve cameras on trip wire and capture the horse running. This was later made into a motion picture.
  • kinetograph

    change the way people saw film by projecting movies through a small, individual machine that you would you look into a peep whole to see inside.
  • kinemacolor

    rotating red and green frames in front of camera that convince the human eye that there is color on the screen
  • The jazz singer

    The jazz singer
    first feature length film with noise. Otherwise known as a talkie, his was a major success in all audiences.(execpt African Americans)
  • Technicolor

    Basically advanced kinecolor. Technicolor was the norm in film after 1935
  • widescreen

    Personal televisions had recently come come out so it was time for the film industry to up their game.
  • motion picture ratings

    motion picture ratings
    Ratings are movie reviews made by critics and it tells you how good the movie is before you see it.
  • The rise of directing

    The rise of directing
    with film getting more advanced, directors of all sorts come in and change the game. This led to greater movies being made and the 70s became the "film era"
  • Vhs

    this device allowed for movies to be more accessible to the normal citizen to view the cinema.
  • 3d animation

    3d animation
    westward as the first movie to use 3d animation in the movie
  • dvd

    otherwise known as the "digital versatile device' the dvd is like a dvd just not as bulky and it plays in dvd layer and has more clear picture for movies.