Film   funding image

12 history of film jonathan hill

By jhill43
  • how the idea of film started

    how the idea of film started
    I t started with a 25,000 dollar bet with a horse galloping o four feet. The horse can't touch the ground. They took pictures to settle it. After looking at it they were amazed on how the horse was running.
  • First movie theater

    First movie theater
    This was the first movie theater to film the moving images. They only had one disadvantage it. The disadvantage was that the audience only consists of one person.
  • The lumiere brothers

    The lumiere brothers
    Thomas edison wasn't the first to make a machine to make movies show. The lumiere brothers were the first. They made a machine called the cinematographic which showed 30 to 60 second movies.
  • the peephole kinetoscope

    the peephole kinetoscope
    Thomas edison liked the idea of a one audience movie. Thats when he made the peephole kinetoscope. It allows only one person to see the movie. He only made it to get more money.
  • The paris cafe

    The paris cafe
    This was the place where the lumiere brothers showed movies. Most movies were people falling off horses and stuff. The people back then really liked the movies no matter how long it is.
  • the vaudeville

    the vaudeville
    More movie theater were made like the vaudeville. They were small movie theater were people watchs shows made from man. rows and everything a upper row and a bottom row.
  • Nickelodeons

    Soon vaudeville was expanded to nickelodeons. This means people pay only a nickel to see a movie. It was also a storefront-type theater.
  • the first US narrative film

    the first US narrative film
    In 1903 edwin porter made the first US narrative movie called the great train robbery. This time the movie was at least 12 minutes long.People loved how the movie was no matter how short it is.
  • The MPPC company

    The MPPC company
    In 1910 26 millon viewers were at movie theaters. 5 years later it doubled. Edison decided to create the MPPC company which owned every movie type thing actors, cameras ,and actress
  • reasons for moving to california

    people try filming in new york but then move to california. Reasons for that is because there is less light in new york and it is important to have lots of light to make a movie. The second reason is because its close to mexico which means edison can't hurt you.
  • Edisons beat up

    Edisons beat up
    If you were to try to make yoour own movie your taking a risk. Since MPPC owns everything edison is going to show up at your door if you make your own movie. he and his goons are going to destroy the cameras break the actor and actress leg and rough them up a little and say don't try this again.
  • famous celebrities

    famous celebrities
    Another third reason for moving to california is because the disregard of famous people. Edison didn't want to make people famous cause the actors would want to get more money and edison hates that. California would want to make them famous and give lots of money cause if there famous people wo like them would want to see any movie their favorite acros or actresses are in. That is why people like charlie chapkin and mary pickford make millions a year.