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History of Film by:Kelsi Aguillard

  • photographs of motion

    British photographer Eadweard Muybridge takes the first successful photographs of motion, showing how people and animals move.
  • kinetoscope

    Thomas Edison and W.K. Dickson develop the Kinetoscope, a peep-show device in which film is moved past a light.
  • first commercial

    Two French brothers, Louis and August Lumiere patent a combination movie camera and projector, capable of projecting an image that can be seen by many people. In Paris, they present the first commercial exhibition of projected motion pictures.
  • renting films

    Henry Miles sets up the first film exchange, allowing exhibitors to rent films instead of buying them.
  • First Movie with Sound

    Charles Taze Russell's "The Photo-Drama of Creation" becomes the first major motion picture to include synchronized sound. The film in its entirety lasts 8 hours, making it one of the longest films in history. The full production cost was about $300,000 ($6,992,000 in today's money).
  • movie theater

    The first movie "palace" opens at Times Square in New York.
  • music no words

    Warner Bros.'s Don Juan, starring John Barrymore, contains music but not spoken dialogue.
  • Sound Films Gain Popularity

    Warner Bros releases "The Jazz Singer," a full-length film that incorporates sound. It is a huge success, bringing in $3.9 million (in 1929 dollars) at the box office. Many people believe that the film brought an end to the era of silent films.
  • academy awards wings

    The first Academy Awards are announced, with the award for the best picture in 1927 going to Wings.
  • First Full-Length Animated Film

    Walt Disney's "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" premieres at the Carthay Circle Theatre to very positive reception. It is the first full-length animated film to be released in theatres. Its success would prompt Disney to produce more animated films over the next several decades.