history of film

  • Camera

    The first partially successful camera was made. It was very big and bulky unlike the cameras of today.
  • paper film

    paper film
    Paper film was created by George Eastman. It was a thin flexible material that could retain an image.
  • Kodak

    The company Kodak was founded by George Eastman and Henry A. Strong. There company sold portable cameras and are now one of the biggest camera brands.
  • Celluloid

    Celluloid was created by George Eastman. It is a plastic material that was until now, used to make movies.
  • Kinetoscope

    The Kinetoscope was created by Thomas Edison and William Dickson. It allowed the user to view motion pictures.
  • The Lumiere Brothers

    The Lumiere Brothers
    These brothers created a device that could project motion pictures onto surfaces. This allowed for many people to view it at once.
  • First Movie

    First Movie
    The First fictional movie, The Great Train Robbery was created by Edwin Porter. It lasted 12 minutes.
  • The MPPC

    The MPPC
    The MPPC's (Motion Picture Patents Company) goal was to create a monopoly on the film industry by legally controlling the production and distribution of films. The group was broken up By the U.S. government in 1915
  • Video

    The first video camera was created by a man named John Logie Baird around 1918
  • Color

    Cupid Angling came out in 1918. It was the first movie to use color.
  • CGI

    West world came out in 1973. It was the first movie to use CGI.