History of Film

  • How it started

    How it started
    When Eadweard Muybridge made a $25,00 bet to see when a horse is at full speed all of his feet are of the ground. He proved this by taking a line of photos when the horse comes around. When they did this he saw that the image looked like it was moving when he moved the stip.
  • The Kinetoscope Parlor

    The Kinetoscope Parlor
    the kinetoscope parlor was created to view moving images the parlor was one per person was long as 30 seconds.
  • The lumiere brothers

    The lumiere brothers
    The first people to create a projector, and publicly play movies on it
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    This movie was the first full movie with sound and moving pictures. It had 14 scenes and was 12 minutes long.
  • The Early Days

    The Early Days
    Nickelodeon movie theaters attracted over 26 million people a week. 5 years later the number duobled.
  • The Monopoly

    The Monopoly
    Thomas Edison and other major companies created the MPPC. To try to make a monopoly.
  • Why we moved to california

    Why we moved to california
    The reason why people moved movie making into California is because it dosen't rain their and it was close to Mexico, so when ever Thomas Edison and his goons come and try to stop you from making a movie people who put everything into truck and drive to Mexico.