A 25,000$ Bet
Edward Muybridge was watching a horse race with his chums. when he thought of a idea that a horse at some point at full speed has all hooves off the ground. One of his chums said (are you wIlling to bet money on this confident idea), and Edward placed his bet. His chums said (how are you going to prove this?), and Edward lined up several cameras across in a line snapping a photo when a horse ran by. While this happened they found that the images in a fast moving flip made a optical illusion. -
First Movie Theater
The Kinetoscope is a machine that holds a line of film that moves it in a certain speed to make a illusion. This machine made the first movies for its time. Although only one person can look at this device at a time, there where several lined up together making the first movie theater called Kinetoscope Parlor. The Kinetoscope Parlor unfortunately does not stand to day. -
The first commercial of film
this took place on November 14, 1894 at the first Kinetoscope parlor ever built. The film was made by Louis and Auguste Lumiere. The Lumiere brothers unveiled their invention to the public in March 1895 with a brief film showing of workers leaving the Lumiere factory. -
Invention Cinematography
The Lumiere Brothers invented the Cinematography device in France. They also were the first to show this on a wide screen for a entire audience. They started to produce a series of short short films, which lasted 30-60 seconds at a time. These films were first showed in a paris chafe charging a one-franc admission. -
First Vaudeville Shows
These consist of skits, comedy routines, song & dance numbers. These shows would play short films in-between acts and skits for time filler. These shows were so popular by 1905. Were these eventually expanded into nickelodeons. -
The First Narrated Film
Produced by Edward Porter, employee of Thomas Edison. Is a real story line involving crosscutting between different narrative sequences & different camera positions. The film consisted of 14 scenes & lasted 12 minutes. It is considered a epic by the standards of the day. -
Nickelodeons are shows that play one or two live skits and featured movies. These were very popular in its time do to it being one of the most exciting and new entertainment. These would only coast a nickel and thats why its name has nickel. The buildings that these shows were played in looked like museums. -
Motion Picture Patents Company (MPPC)
Led by Thomas Edison, is a company that was a monopoly. This company controlled all film stock, projection equipment, film production, and most actors. This was the most powerful and harsh company in this industry. Most other company's had a big risk trying to produce if they didn't cooperated with (MPPC). -
Nickelodeon rises
By 1910, Nickelodeon theaters were attracting 26 million viewers a week each. As they expanded, there popularity rise. Eventually they were the top entertainment in there time. -
Nickelodeon Skyrockets
Five years later that number had more than doubled. The popularity is at its peak in this time. This sparked people who were wanting big profit in this industry. -
Warner Brothers Establish
The company's name originated from the four founding Warner brothers Harry, Albert, Sam, and Jack Warner. Harry acquired the large Piccadilly Theater in Manhattan, New York City, and renamed it Warners' Theatre. In 1923 the Warner Brother signed a contract with the sound engineer company Western Electric and established Vitaphone & Warner Brothers Company. -
Walt Disney established
it started in a small office occupied by Holly-Vermont Realty in Los Angeles. It was there that Walt Disney, and his brother Roy, produced a series of short live-action/animated films collectively called the ALICE COMEDIES. Which lead them to form the company we know today. -
The first in-flight movie
The film is showed during WW1. It was a black & white, silent film called The Lost World. It is shown in a WWI converted Handley-Page bomber during a 30-minute flight near London. -
Pre-World War I Europe cinema
Before World War I, European cinema was dominated by France and Italy. At Pathé Frères, director general Ferdinand Zecca perfected the course comique, a uniquely Gallic version of films. No country, however, was more responsible for the popularity of the comique feature than Italy. -
Production Code
n 1930 motion picture industries adopt the Production Code. Production Code is a set of guidelines that describes what is acceptable in movies. This is crucial for movies to be produced and not be fined or penalized. -
The first drive-in movie theater
Is located on Crescent Boulevard in Camden, New Jersey. Hollingshead a movie fan and a sales manager at his father’s company, up with the idea of an open-air theater. Hollingshead received a patent for the concept in May of 1933 and opened Park-In Theaters, Inc. -
The cinematic Industry threatened
The cinematic industry was threatened by television, and the increasing popularity of the medium. This meant that some film theaters would become bankrupt and close. The demise of the “studio system” spurred the self-commentary of films like Sunset Boulevard (1950) and The Bad and the Beautiful (1952). -
The studio system in Hollywood decline
Now that many films were being made on location in other countries, this lead to part of the decline. Another reason is that Hollywood films were still largely aimed at family audiences. Also seven-year contracts with actors are replaced by single-picture or multi-picture contracts which lead to the decline. -
Modern day filmmaking
Another cinematic evolution began, from physical film stock to digital cinema technology. After the success of Toy Story, computer animation began to grow and became the principal technique for feature length animation. This allowed competing film companies such as Dream-works Animation and 20th Century Fox to effectively compete with Disney with successful films of their own. -
The first feature length computer-animated feature
It is called Toy Story and it was produced by Pixar Animation Studios and released by Disney. The film was the first of its kind having a length of 1h & 21m. This movie helps bring about the modern day of filmmaking.