History of Film

  • Vaudevilles

    In the early 1800s, vaudevilles were made. These theaters feature small acts of drama, comedy, and music. In the future, they will include films in order to match competition.
  • The Running Horse

    The Running Horse
    In 1878, some people were arguing whether or not horse could keep all of their legs off the ground. In order to solve the argument, pictures were taken in rapid succession of a horse while it was running. The pictures proved that the horse could have all legs off the ground at one time.
  • Roundhay Garden Scene

    Roundhay Garden Scene
    The first surviving film is the Roundhay Garden Scene. This short film was created in 1888 and lasts a span of 2.11 seconds. Despite being so short, it is still considered a movie.
  • Kinetoscope Parlors

    Kinetoscope Parlors
    Thomas Edison created kinetoscope parlors in 1895. He specifically designed to have only one person could view them at a time. In order to view from them, you would have to look from a small peephole in the parlor.
  • First Cinematography Film

    First Cinematography Film
    Auguste and Louis Lumière devised a plan where groups of people could watch the same film at the same time. So, they created one successfully in 1895. They called their invention, cinematography.
  • First Narrative Film

    First Narrative Film
    An employee of Thomas Edison, Edwin Porter, created a narrative film called The Great Train Robbery. This film included a real story line and different camera positions. It has 14 scenes and lasts 12 minutes.
  • Nickelodeons

    Vaudevilles evolved into nickelodeons in the dawn of the 1900s. These small theaters featured film along with music and sound effects. They also did a few vaudeville acts afterwards.
  • First Animation

    First Animation
    James Blankton created the first drawn work for an animation called the Humorous Phases of Funny Phases. It is a short silent animated cartoon and moves 20 frames per second. All of the drawings occur on a chalkboard.
  • First Anime

    First Anime
    According to Natsuki Matsumoto, one of the first anime known was Kastudo Shashin(Activity Photo). It depicts of a boy in a sailor uniform. It consists of 50 scenes stenciled onto a strip of celluloid.
  • Motion Picture Patents Company(MPPC)

    Motion Picture Patents Company(MPPC)
    Thomas Edison, along with others, formed the MPPC. They wanted to use their combined patents to control the motion picture industry. When independent studios were competed against, the MPPC would raid them to threaten the employees and destroy the equipment.
  • Nickelodeon Booms

    Nickelodeon Booms
    By 1910, nickelodeons were attracting millions of people per week. The number even doubled after 5 years, never going downwards. This attracted many who saw the potential of the profits of film-making.
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin
    Chaplin is the comic genius of silent comedy. He started out making $150 a week, but later started earning millions a year by 1917. Not just comedy was included in his films, he wold also hide subtle messages about the goods and evils of society.
  • Disney

    In 1923, Walt Disney had a passion of creating animations and created Alice's Wonderland. He and his brother, Roy Disney, joined together and created the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio. Later, they changed the name into Walt Disney Studio.
  • First Film with Sound

    First Film with Sound
    The Jazz Singer, created in 1927, is the first film with sound. It earned millions of dollars and was a blockbuster film. The film not only has sound, but the sound was also audible and clear.
  • First Color Animation

    First Color Animation
    Walt Disney created the first color animation, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. It features a girl who is accompanied with seven dwarfs. This animation started a new era of color animation.
  • First Anime Series

    First Anime Series
    In 1961, Osamu Tezuka created Astro Boy, the first anime series. It features a boy with robotic parts who goes around doing 'justice'. It aired fro 1961 to 1964.
  • Dragon Ball Z

    Dragon Ball Z
    One of the most popular anime, Dragon Ball Z, was produced in 1986. It features an alien warrior who was raised on Earth. This series has produced countless amounts of sells and views.
  • Pokemon

    The famous video game series, Pokemon, was adapted into anime. The anime features different events than the video game and still goes on to this day. It has sold countless amounts of copies.
  • Yu-Gi-Oh!

    One of the first anime featuring card games, Yu-Gi-Oh! has gained international attention. It shows of a boy who solves an ancient puzzle and can transform into an older version of himself. The anime and manga is derived from the trading card game.
  • The Big Three

    The Big Three
    One Piece, Naruto, Bleach were the big three anime featuring fighting. They were all created in the 1990s or 2000s. All of these anime have sold over millions of copies individually.