How it all stared
Film started with a bet that would change every thing. It started from a racing bet that horses always had one foot on the ground as they ran. so they took numerous pictures of horses running and put them together and created somwhat of a stopmotion film. -
A new way of watching
Soon after divices were made to create the same type of effect but for enjoyment purposes. There was one disadvantage, only one person could watch at a time. -
Thomas edison was born
Thomas edison was born and would play a huge role in the video industry yet to come. He woud also contribute greatly to science and add more to basic house hold things -
the begining of cinima
The video had taking a sky rocket ever since it was brought to the big screen. people stared deveoping shortfilms. wich got millions and millions of people lining up to see them in just a week. this begun the vedio indusrty. -
More facts
During the cinematography finished a comedy group or somtype of entertainment would come out and do their job. They were called nickolodens. -
The great train robbery
In 1903 one of Edison employees created the first epic on film. His name was Ewidn poter. this film was only 15 minutes long but was the longest of its time. -
The Attraction
The attractin was drawing 26 million people to the nickolodeans each week. Wich put oput a great amount of profit. This got people to begin an idustry to monopolies the videos being produced -
led by Thomas Edison several sompines created a trust motion called The motion picture parent comany or the MCCP. Smaller independent companies were raided and equipment were smashed and people hurt. But there stronarm tactic worked and they monoplised the film industry -
Charlie chaplin
charlie chaplin was the first famous actor. He did samll silent comedys that brought an uproar of laughter.. -
Mary pickford
Another famous actris that was known as the american sweet heart.