How it started
It first started off as a bet. some people didn't believe that when a horse runs at one point all 4 legs of the horse are off of the ground. so people set up cameras along the track and each took a picture after another. then they put the pictures next to eachother and realized it was like the actual thing. -
Kinetoscope parlor
Was the first moving image show that combined photos frame by frame to make it look like the actual thing. the down part was that it was only made to be used by one person at a time. it was invented by Thomas Edison and sold for profit. -
invented by Lumiere brothers. it came out after Kinetoscope parlors were made. -
Short films
in 1895 the Lunmiere brothers produced a series of short films that usually lasted to 30 seconds. first they came out with a train moving. people would get scared because they couldn't believe that something was moving. another film that was also made was a film of a boy sticking his finger inside a fish bowl. -
Vaudevilles were small theaters that featured short dramatic skits, comedy routines and funny jokes by people to make the public come out and watch and have a good time. -
Nickelodeons were small storefront-type theaters that featured films along with one or two vaudeville acts for the audience -
The Great Train Robbery
The Great Train Robbery was teh first real story movie which lasted around 12 minutes. At the time people were so shocked about the 30 second films! think about how they felt about an actual movie?! -
Start of Monopoly
Nickelodeon attracted millions of people and made a monopoly. so they could take over the filming career -
Thomas Edison started the MPPS (Motion Picture Patence Company) which basically took total control of movie making. if anyone tried to start their own movie then they were confronted and threatended. -
Independent movie companies
Independent movie companies tried to compete but was at a risk and they were then threatened if caught making movies their equipment was destroyed so they wouldn't make any movies. -
West coast
The west coast was a place for Independent Movie Companies could go out without getting caught because they were further away from MPPC Control. -
Famous People
MPPC did not want to list names of actors because they thought they would become famous and want more money to be given to them for acting in their movies. Independent Studios on the West Coast paid actors to make them super stars so their audiences would pay to see them again.