
History of Film

By AbbyKey
  • The First (partially successful) Camera

    The First (partially successful) Camera
    Joseph Nicéphore Niépce is the first to create the partially successful camera.
  • The First Motion Picture

    The First Motion Picture
    Eadweard Muybridge created a motion picture for a bet about if all of a horse's legs were off of the ground at the same time while galloping.
  • Vaudevilles

    These little theaters showed short films in the between each set in order to become more popular
  • Lumiere Brothers

    Lumiere Brothers
    These two brothers created short films by using a projector that would show motion pictures on a screen to an audience.
  • The First Movie

    The First Movie
    Edwin Porter created a movie called 'The Great Train Robbery', it was 12 minutes long with 14 scenes.
  • Nickelodeons

    These were the first indoor theaters that only showed short films.
  • Hollywood

    Independent film studios moved to California to get away from the MPPC (Motion Picture Patents Company), a company who plans to own everything.
  • The Jazz Singer

    The Jazz Singer
    This was the first film to (accidentally) talkies. Studios at first used to believe that they would be unsuccessful, but people really enjoyed it.
  • Color? In Movies?

    Color? In Movies?
    When was color invented? It's been a thing since, well, forever. The first movies to include color was The Wizard of Oz and Gone with the Wind.
  • Blockbusters

    The first announced blockbuster was the huge hit summer film Jaws.
  • CGI

    CGI, or computer-generated imager, became popular in the 1990s. It then was used in almost every film in the future.
  • Today

    Films have gotten a lot more popular in human culture. Once a movie is released, you'll probably be asked, "have you seen this movie?" or "haha, that scene made me cry."