History of Film

  • Phenakistiscope

    A cardboard disc with slits along the edge and drawings between the slots. spins on axle in front of mirror
  • Zoetrope Invented

    Zoetrope Invented
    The zoetrope is similar to the phenakistiscope but happens to be cylendrical shaped for optimal image viewing
  • Leland Stanford's bet

    Leland Stanford's bet
    Leland Stanford makes a 25,000 dollar bet, to prove that when a horse runs all four of it's legs leave the ground. With the help of Edward Muybridge and 12 cameras taking pictures at the same time he is able to prove that horses do in fact leave the ground while running.
  • First hand-held box camera

    George Eastman introduced the first hand-held box camera, known as the Kodak Camera it had a transparent film inside which was cheap enough for all peoples to have and children to use making photography a much more popular craft
  • Kinetoscope is invented

    Kinetoscope is invented
    Thomas Edison built the kinetoscope or peep hole viewer, which runs 20 seconds of film over rollers in a continuous loop via a crank, the film can be viewed from through a small viewfinder.
  • The Kinetoscope parlor

    The Kinetoscope parlor
    In 1984 the first Kinetoscope parlor opened in New York and was highly profitable for about 2 years until technological advances in film eclipsed the product
  • Fred Otts first sneeze

    Fred Otts First Sneeze was the first film created in the Black Maria, it was a silent film where a man sneezed, it was the first copyright film.
  • Lumiere Brothers first screening

    Lumiere Brothers first screening
    The brothers showed about 10 short films which lasted 20 minutes in total in the basement lounge of The Grand Cafe in paris
  • A trip to the moon

    A trip to the moon
    videoA Trip to the Moon was a comic science fiction story about scientists who travel to the moon
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    VideoThe Great Train Robbery is the first Film to possess, Multiple strory lines, location shooting, minor camera movement, and 2 seperate lines of action. The movie had 14 scenes and lasted 11 min, and was the most commercially successful film of the time
  • Nickelodeons

    Nickelodeons bacame very popular in 1905-1907, it cost a nikel to get in to the theatre and by 1908 became the standard way to view all films
  • The Producer

    The Producer
    The producer was created to be the finacial side of the film making process, while the director worked with the creation of the film, the producer would tell the director what they could and couldn't do based on the buidget they were given
  • Ethel Barrymore

    Ethel Barrymore
    Fought for actor rights beleiving they should be credited in the making of a film since they did a lot of the work
  • First Motion Picture Studio

    First Motion Picture Studio
    The Black Maria was the first Motion Picture studio, it was created by Thomas Edison near his lab in New Jersey in 1983