History of Film

  • Camera Obscura

    Camera Obscura
    A natural phenomenon that occurs when an image on one side of a wall is traveling through a small hole in that screen as a reversed and inverted image. This is also referred to as a pinhole image. Before the term "camera obscura" was first used in 1604, many other expressions were used including "cubiculum obscurum", "cubiculum tenebricosum", "conclave obscurum" and "locus obscurus".
  • Muybridge Horses Around With Motion Pictures

    Muybridge Horses Around With Motion Pictures
    Photographer Eadweard Muybridge uses high-speed stop-motion photography to capture a horse's motion, his argument was that all four hooves leave the ground. In his stop-motion film, he captured a series of images while a horse was mid gallop. There is a clear frame of which all 4 of the horse's hooves are off the ground
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin
    Known as one of the first ever wide-known actors. Best known for his screen persona, "The Tramp", and is considered one of the most important figures in the history of the film industry. He died on December 5, 1997.
  • First Piece of Film

    First Piece of Film
    Edison and Dickson invented a motion picture camera and a peephole viewing device called the Kinetoscope. A kinetoscope is an early motion-picture device in which the images were viewed through a peephole. These weren't shown publicly until 1883.
  • The Pleograph

    The Pleograph
    The pleograph was invented by Kazimierz Prószyński. This was another early camera that also doubled as a projector. Using an improved pleograph, Prószyński shot people skating in the park.
  • Peep-Show Parlor

    Peep-Show Parlor
    The kinetoscope peep-show parlor was the first commercial exhibition of film. These parlors successfully spread to Europe. These were basically one-person movie theaters.
  • First Film With Color

    First Film With Color
    "La Vie et la passion de Jésus Christ" was a film that had only 32 scenes, not so much a movie. Some scenes were had colored.
  • First Film With Sound

    First Film With Sound
    The earliest feature-length movies with recorded sound included only music and effects. The first feature film originally presented as a talkie was 'The Jazz Singer'.
  • Mary Poppins

    Mary Poppins
    Mary Poppins was the first film to use animatronics. They featured animatronics such as an animatronic bird. Animatronics have been used in other films like E.T and Jaws
  • First Blockbuster Film

    First Blockbuster Film
    Steven Spielberg's 'Jaws' is considered the first summer blockbuster. This film was the first to earn $100 million at the box office.