History of cine film 4

History of Film

  • 25,000 bet

    25,000 bet
    Edward Mybridge, had a wild idea that a horse at its fastest can have all four hooves off the ground. Then the gentlemen set up cameras to see if so. Mr. Mybridge was correct.
  • Kinetoscope Parlor

    Kinetoscope Parlor
    Devices were made for moving images. The bad thing was only one person could watch a movie. Most of the time a peephole was given behind lots of drawings or photos in a line.
  • Lumiere Bros.

    Lumiere Bros.
    In other history It was the Lumeire Bros. who devised a projection system that showed pictures. They called their invention Cinematographe. Then they produced movied from thirty to sixty deconds.
  • Vaudeville's And Nickelodeons

    Vaudeville's And Nickelodeons
    Vaudevilles were very popular, vaudevilles were short dramatic skits, comedy routines, and song and dance numbers. In order to beat other competition vaudevilles started showing short films. Then vaudevilles turned into nickelodeons.
  • Edison's contributions

    Edison's contributions
    Thomas Edison liked that only one person could watch the movie, he thought he would make more money that way. Then Edison devised the "Peephole Kinetoscope". He mad a little bit more money selling this project.
  • Edwin Porter

    Edwin Porter
    Edwin Porter who created first U.S. narrative film, the great train robbery. This film used crosscutting between different narrative sequences. Porter's film lasted 12 minutes with 14 scenes.
  • Nickelodeon popularity

    Nickelodeon popularity
    Each week Nickelodeon was attracting 26 million viewers. In the next 5 years that number doubled. Then some people saw profit in this and tried to monopoly everything to control eveything.
  • Motion Picture Patents Company

    Motion Picture Patents Company
    The MMPC was formed by several companies to control everything in film making. Independent companies were at risk because MPPC people would destroy all their equipment and injure their actors aswell. But the MPPC did make quality film.
  • Weather conditions

    Weather conditions
    Most films were outside so you almost had to have a perfect day to film, but on the east coast the weather was not nice. Lots of light was needed for the slow speed of the film. So inturn the west coast became a new destination.
  • Fame

    The MPPC didn't release names of their actors because if the actors got famous they knew they would demand more money. Independent studios saw advantages to devoloping pop stars. They knew people would pay more to see superstars.
  • west coast

    west coast
    The west coast was more free from the MPPA control. It was also close enough to were they could run to mexico from the MPPA. The MPPA supposedly broke actors legs and destroyed all equipment.
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin
    Charlie Chaplin was the funniest actor in the silent era of film. He started making 150$ a week then more than a million in 1917. He used his films to send secret messages abot good and bad in society.