History of Film

  • First film

    First film
    The first thing to ever be filmed was a bet. the bet was whether or not all 4 horse's feet would be in the air as the horse the running full speed. this would eventually lead to it being recorded and the question proven to be true.
  • Kinetoscope

    the kinetoscope parlor was the first movie theater ever created in 1895. It was a very well known and popular theater at the time. Although it was only a 1 person booth, it still was up at the time and continue to innovate.
  • Vitascope Projector

    Vitascope Projector
    Another popular invention Edison created was the Vitascope projector. It casted images as film which was unheard of. Became one of the most popular inventions at this time.
  • First Cartoon Film

    First Cartoon Film
    Fantasmagorie created by Emile Cohl. The cartoon was french animated film. It was the first hand drawn cartoon film
  • First time crediting actors

    First time crediting actors
    Unbelieveable that this was an issue at this time. Actors not getting the recognition of their part in the movie. Crediting actors gave them a lot more fame which is something that big businesses didn't want them to have as they could possibly lose money.
  • Warner Bros established

    Warner Bros established
    A popular entertainment company was established in 1923. It became a big film company that had a variety of different type of films. some being cartoons or having real people in the films.
  • Production code introduced

    Production code introduced
    a very big thing that changed movies forever. It made movies have what they can or cannot have. With this in place, movies had to follow a certain guideline to make some things acceptable.
  • First drive in movie theater introduced

    First drive in movie theater introduced
    Something big that happend at this time was drive in movie theaters. A bunch of people parking their cars in front of a big screen. This was located in Crescent Boulevard in Camden, New Jersey.
  • Walt Disney's Full Length Film

    Walt Disney's Full Length Film
    Walt Disney would once again change how history is run. Releasing a full animated film was unheard of. The movie was snow white and the seven dwarfs
  • Actor Contracts improve

    Actor Contracts improve
    Actors at one point had to sign a 7 year contract which denied a lot of opportunities that they could have. This soon changed for them only to single picture or multi-picture contracts. This would allow the actors to have and take more options.
  • Films Include more than just entertainment

    Films Include more than just entertainment
    at this time movies were beginning to become more sexual or graphic. This would soon gave movies more variety than just entertainment. This would be consider a more positive change to many
  • Movie Statistics

    Movie Statistics
    Movies started off as just pictures and nothing more. No one would of expected movies to ever become as big as it is today. In just 1992 Americans has spent of 12 billion dollars on renting or buying movies.