History of Film

  • First Camera

    First Camera
    The first camera was created by Nicéphore Niépce in 1816. It was made by putting a sheet of paper coated in sliver chlorine which created a brighter tone when exposed to light.
  • First Movie Image Film

    First Movie Image Film
    The first motion picture was created and it was a movie about a horse race in 1878. The movie was started because of a $25,000 bet . It was called Sallie Gardener which was the horse's name and it was created by Eadweard Muybridge.
  • First 3D Film

    First 3D Film
    The first 3D film was a silent movie created in 1922 and was also the first movie to have alternate endings where people chose to have a happy or sad movie by choosing to watch through red or blue on the 3D glasses.
  • Moviola

    The Moviola was created in 1924 and it allowed a movie editor to view a form while editing it. It was the first movie editing device.
  • First Speaking Movie

    First Speaking Movie
    The first speaking movie was made in 1927 and it was called The Jazz Singer. It was made by Vitaphone, which at the time was the biggest sound-disc technology in the world.
  • First Academy Awards

    First Academy Awards
    The first Academy Awards occurred in Hollywood, California in 1929. It was the first award show for movies and TV. The first actor to win an award was Emil Jannings and the best actress was Janet Gaynor.
  • First Color Movie

    First Color Movie
    The first color movie to be created was The Wizard of Oz. It was created using Technicolor. There was also another movie created the same year, in the same way called Gone With the Wind.
  • First Video Game

    First Video Game
    The first video game was called Pong and it was created in 1958 by a physicist name William Higinbotham. It was a simple tennis game, but what made it stand out is that it was made on a computer.
  • First IMAX Film

    First IMAX Film
    The first IMAX film was created in 1970 in Japan and it was called Tiger Child. It was shown at a movie/tv expo in Japan.
  • First Dolby Sound

    First Dolby Sound
    The first movie to use Dolby Sound was called Clockwork Orange. It was a mystery movie made in England in 1971.
  • First Movie to use CGI

    First Movie to use CGI
    The first movie to use CGI was called Westworld and it was created in 1973.
  • First Digital Camera

    First Digital Camera
    The first digital camera was made in 1975 and allowed for the first creation of HD movies.