History Of Film

  • Phenakistiscope

    Phenakistiscope is a disk with slits around the edges and images in the middle. To udes it people would look in a mirror through the slots and the image apeared to be moving.
  • Zoetrope

    Zoetrope is an optical toy that was cylindar shaped with slots in it so multiple people could see the image. The pictures are placed in the middle, as it spins the image apears to be moving.
  • Leand Stanford

    Leand Stanford
    Standford mad a bet for $25,000 that horses, when running, pick up their feet compleatly.
    Edwad Muybridge was hired to take the pictures. He set up 12 camera that were attached to a trip wire. So when the horse came by it took 12 photos show that horses do lift compleatly off the ground while running.
  • Zoopraxiscope

    This contraption was invented by Edward Muybridge. It was considered the first projector.
  • First Hand-Held Box Camera

    First Hand-Held Box Camera
    The first hand-held box camera was invented by George Eastman. Its was avalible to everyone. It was a camera the came with film.
  • Cinematograph

    This camera was a printer, projector, and camera all in one. It was inverted by The Lumiere brothers.
  • Kinetoscope

    This was an optical toy invented by WKL Dickson. The person wishing to view the film would pay a penny and get 20 seconds of viewing pleasure. WKL Dickson also invented the holes on the side of film.
  • Black Maria

    Black Maria
    The Black Maria is the first motion picture studio. She was a black building on wheels with a hole in the top for good lighting. THe black Maria was built in New Jersy.
  • Kinetoscope Parlar

    Kinetoscope Parlar
    The Parlar opened in New York, and was very profitable for a good 2 years.
  • Fred Ott’s Sneeze

    Fred Ott’s Sneeze
    Was the earlyest film. It was of a guy sneezing. It was also the first copywritted film.
  • Lumiere brothers, 1st Public Film

    Lumiere brothers, 1st Public Film
    This was 10 short films in a cafe basement in Paris.
  • Trip to The Moon

    Trip to The Moon
    This Film was created by George Melies, a magican. The movie had speacial effects and a weird plot line.
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    The Great TRain Robbery was 11 minutes long. It had muliple plot lines, stunts, and diffren locations.
  • Copyright

    Copyright did not excist, so films were rented not sold. THis prtected the creaters work
  • Ethel Barrymore

    Ethel Barrymore
    She thought actors should get some credit for the movies they were in, so now there's credits at the end of movies.