Film 1155439 960 720

history of film

  • Invention of the Thaumatrope

    Invention of the Thaumatrope
    Dr. John Ayrton Paris invented the thaumatrope a allusion to make you think a image is moving by flipping a card to the opposite side to make the picture move.
  • Phenakistoscope

    Belgian inventor Joseph Plateau, a device that simulated motion by having a series of motions on the perimeter of the card. When you spin it you will see a moving picture.
  • Invention of the celluloid film

    Invention of the celluloid film
    William H. Fox Talbot, an English archaeologist that invented the celluloid film, The celluloid film is a paper sensitive to light by bathing it in a solution of salt and silver nitrate when exposed to light it creates a visible image.
  • Invention of the kinetoscope

    Invention of the kinetoscope
    Thomas Edison invented the kinetoscope, the kinetoscope is a exhibition device, designed for films to be viewed by one person at a time through a peephole. How it works is it is a fast moving strip of paper with images that move fast to make a moving picture.
  • invention of the Phasmotrope

    invention of the Phasmotrope
    Henry Renno Heyl was the inventor of the Phasmotrope, The Phasmotrope is a invention that showed a rapid succession of still photographs of dancers, giving the illusion of motion.
  • first video camera

    first video camera
    In 1891, Thomas Edison's employer William Kennedy Laurie Dickson invented the first movie camera called the Kinetograph.
  • First use of color in film

    The first known film to successfully use the Kinemacolor process was A Trip to the Moon (1902)
  • First animated film with sound

    First animated film with sound
    The first animated film with sound was "Steam Boat Wille" By Walt Disney