The idea of Video
The first idea of video was thought of after a bet. The bet was to see if horse hooves came off the ground, while running full speed. As the men looked at the photos tey saw as they flipped through that if you moved fast it looked like the horse was running. -
The kenitoscope did not show films it showed pictures moving at a very fast pace. But at these one person could only see at time, Because of Thomas Edison thought it would make him more money. -
Cinematography was the name of the first projcor witch was created by the Lamer Brothers in france. Who did what Thomas Edison wouldnt and did it for the people. -
Vaudeille was a theater that sowed shor clips. Such as a train coming towards the screen. Which in paris some people hurt them selves because they belived it was real. Which in the 1900's expanded into nickeloaden becase it only cost a nickel -
The first Movie Theater
Backe then movies were considered a art instead of somewhere to go. most of the time they would have a band because movies did not have sound. -
The Great Train Robery
The first actual film that told the whole story was The Geat Train Robery. This movie was only 12 min that was alot longer than wha people expected back then. -
The MPPC created by THomas edison sands for Motion Picture Patents Company. Which was used to own any thing that involved films. Meaning any that you would have to go throught the MPPC -
Movies Origin
Movies were origanly in New York but that was also were the MPPC was. And also movies requierd a lot of sun light witc was hard to get in New York -
Why they move to Californa
They move to Califora for to reason, One for the sunlight to help shoot beter movies. Second to get away from The MPPC now they could nt be hurt for making movies. -
Charlie Chiplin
Was one of the best male actors back then with out even saying anything. He was in silent films he could make you laugh without saying a word.