Edward Muybridge's Bet
Edward Muybridge bets $25,000 that at one point, when a horse is racing, it has all four hoves off the ground. To test this, they lined cameras up all along the racing track. When they looked at the pictures, not only did Muybridge win the bet, but they realized that when you flipped the pictures quickly, it looked that the horses were moving. -
First Movie Theatre
Called a Kinetocscope Parlor, where only one person at a time can see a series of moving images. -
Cinemographe Theatre opened in France
The Lumiere brothers soon made movies avaikable for more than one person with the invention of the projector. The shown movies were usually only 30-60 seconds. -
Vaudeville Theatre
Small movies with comedic and sometimes musical preformances afterwards, as the 1900's dawned vandevilles eventually turned into nickelodeans. -
The Great Train Robbery
Employee of Thomas Edison and directed by Edwin Porter, The Great Train Robbery was the first U.S narritive movie. The film had 14 scenes and lasted 12 minutes. This was a revolution for people of that time. -
Led by Thomas Edison, several companies founded a trust called the Motion Picture Patents Company. They used this company to control everything having to do with making and/or distributing movies. -
Nickelodean Success
by 1910, Nickelodeans were making 26 million viewers each week. -
Movie Night
By 1915, anybody who was everybody was going out to see movies in Nickleodeans. -
People decided that having the MPPC control everything was unfair, so in order to make their own movies, they moved to the west coast, particualrly California. This is how the MPPC was destroyed and how the famous city of Hollywood was created. -
Charlie Chaplin
When the MPPC was destroyed and everyone ended up making the films in California, actors began getting paid. Charlie Chaplin was the first "famous" actor in Hollywood. By the 1920's he was getting paid more than a million a year.