History of Film

  • Horse Bet.

    Horse Bet.
    a bet waas made over $25,000. That all four hoofs come off the ground when a horse runs or not. so before the race they set up several different cameras to take pictures as the horse ran by. come to find out all four hoofs come off the ground, and that when you played the pictures all together the horse ooks like their running
  • Edison Motion Pcture Production

    Edison Motion Pcture Production
    New films were needed to make the invention popular, so a motion picture studio was built in West Orange. The Black Maria was Edison's first motion picture studio
  • First copyrighted film

    First copyrighted film
    This filsms still survies and its the Edison Kinetoscopic recording of a sneeze , aslo known as Fred Ott's Sneeze. which records an Edison employee, sneezing comically for the camera.
  • The Shift to Projectors

    The Shift to Projectors
    edison was slow at the developement of the Projetion system since the single user Kinoscope was very profitable although the projection system was for larger crowds.
  • The Vitascope

    The Vitascope
    The first theatrical exhibition at Koster and Bial's Music Hall in New York City. but this didnt last long cause Edison Company developed its own projector known as the Projecting Kinetoscope in November.
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    One of Edisons companys most famous films, it was very successful and soon remade by motion picture. the film included a famous close up shot of Justus D. Barnes in the role of the outlaw,shooting straight at the camera.
  • Nickelodeon Theater

    Nickelodeon Theater
    Frist theater that played Nickelodeon films which were short 30-45 second film. it was built in Pittsburg "The Moving Picture World"
  • Litigation and Licensees

    Litigation and Licensees
    Edisons Company formed the Association of Edisons Licensees. the association was an attempt to bring order to the unruly competition amoung film companies and to the marginlize nonmember companices.
  • Stock Company

    Stock Company
    Edison tried to improve his images through several initiatives, imitating its competitors by cultivate an image of respectability by making films for public service.
  • Kinetophone

    it was designed to merge the motion picture camera with the phonograph.it was an improvement on the earlier model , but was proen unsucessiful due to the difficulty of acheving synchronization.
  • Blow to Edisons Film Business

    Blow to Edisons Film Business
    Edison tried to save his company by inventing new product like the Kinetophone.
  • falling of edison

    falling of edison
    he failed to resce he company's flagging financial situation. Thomas A. Edson sold the studio and the plant to the Lincoln & parker film Company , thus ending Thomas Edison's involvement in the film production.