Motion Pictures
Eadweard Muybridge was an photographer/ movie inventor important for his pioneering work in photographic studies of motion, and early work in motion-picture projection. -
Horse Motion Picture
British photographer Eadweard Muybridge made aa cobination of non-moving photographs of a horse that when viewed in order, the horse appeared to be galloping. -
First Experimental movie
Thomas Edison made the first experimentalmovie in 1889 -
Motion picture cameras
The history of film began in the 1890s, with the invention of the first motion-picture cameras and the establishment of the first film production companies and cinemas. -
First Motion Picture
As soon as the motion picture camera and early additions of the projector were invented and pa- tented, the film industry exploded with new ideas and jumped forward. -
Built a studio
Edison and Dickson built a studio on one of Edison's laboratories in New Jersey, to produce films for their kinetoscope. The Black Maria was ready for film production at the end of January. -
Recording of a television program made by filming the picture from a video monitor. Only allowed "audiene of 1" to watch pictures in fast motion through a peep hole. -
Famous Film Screening
One of the most famous film screenings in history took placeat the Grand Cafe in Paris and customers paid one Franc for a twenty-five minute programme of ten Lumière films. These filmsFeeding the Baby, The Waterer Watered and A View of the Sea. -
Cinématographe films
The Lumière brothers sent a representative from their company to London and started a successful run of Cinématographe films -
First Dramatic movie
The Story of the Kelly Gang (at around 60 min) is considered to be the first dramatic feature film, and was released in Australia in 1906. The first feature-length adaptation was Les Misérables which was released in 1909. -
The Jazz Singer
When sound was included in film. -
Color Tv
They had a rush for the color tv and it was finalized 1966-1967. Everyone was rushing to buy one so they wouldnt have to watch tv in black and white.