History of film

  • Wheel of Life

    Wheel of Life
    Also known as zoopraxiscope, was the first device that showed animated pictures or movies.
  • First motion photos

    First motion photos
    The first motion photos taken were taken at the horse races. One man bet that at one point all the hooves of a horse are of the ground. To see if they were all off they set up 7 cameras and when the horse came by took pictures. When they looked at the pictures they noticed it was like a little flip book.
  • Gun shaped camera

    Gun shaped camera
    Etienne Marey develops a camera shaped like a gun in france. This device was able to take 12 frames per second or 12 pictures per second.
  • Kodak Camera

    Kodak Camera
    The very first Kodak camera is relased. George Eastman introudces the lightweight, inexpensive Kodak camera. Using film wound on rollers.
  • Kinetoscope

    Thomas Edison and W.K. Dickson develops the kinetoscope. This device is a peepshow device in which film is moved past a light. Designed for films to be viewed by one individual at a time.
  • First Screening

    First Screening
    In France, the Lumiere brothers hold the first private screening. They invent the Cinematograph, a combination camera and projector.
  • Edisons Vitascope

    Edisons Vitascope
    Edisons Vitascope theater was opened to the public. It could seat 72. Was designed from scratch solely to show motion pictures.
  • The Great Train Robbery

    The Great Train Robbery
    One of the first motion pictures. Edwin S. Porter makes a 12min long movie. Back then that was a long movie to them.
  • Nickelodeons

    The first 5 cent theaters opens in Pittsburgh. This started a popular form of movie theaters spread throughout the country. They were only 5 cents which gave the name nickelodeons.
  • First Movie Theater

    First Movie Theater
    The very first movie theater opens up in Pittsburgh. Allows more than one person to watch a movie at a time.
  • Animation

    The first animated cartoon is produced in theaters.
  • MPPC

    The Motion Picture Patents Company was a trust of all major American film companies. They ended the domination of foreign films on American screen. If they found out you were making a film they would come in and destroy all your equipment and break your actors leg.