
History of Film

  • First motion picture

    First motion picture
    Photographer Eadweard Muybridge uses high-speed stop-motion photography to capture a horse’s motion.
  • First Motion Picture Projected

    First Motion Picture Projected
  • Biggest producer of fiction films

    Biggest producer of fiction films
    By 1898 Georges Méliès was the largest producer of fiction films in France.
  • First Talking Movie

    First Talking Movie
  • First colored movie in U.S.

    First colored movie in U.S.
    Thomas Lincoln Tally shows the first color movie at the Electric Theater in Hollywood.
  • Philo Taylor television camera

    Philo Taylor television camera
    BYU grauate Philo Taylor developed a television system complete with receiver and camera
  • First showing of tv

    First showing of tv
    The very first television picture was transmitted John Logie Baird in 1926 from one room to another.
  • First Video Tape

    First Video Tape
    In early 1956 a team led by Charles Ginsburg produced the first videotape recorder.
  • First computer animated feature released

    First computer animated feature released
    Pixar's Toy Story was the first computer animated feature released. Also, at the box office the movie made more money than any other movie that year.
  • First ever Oscar for animated feature

    First ever Oscar for animated feature
    Shrek from Dreamwork Animation beat out Monster's Inc from Pixar to win the Oscar for animated feature. This was the first time the award was won.