the bet
the history of film startd with a bet of 25,000 on a horse's hooves would be off the groundwhen running. as the pictures devolpe they made a flip book of sorts -
the lumiere brothers in france made a projector the can show the motion pictures for an audience by showing it on a screen. -
the way it began
from the illusion of movements from a few pictures people started to invent devices for peoples entertainment. the problem was that it would only work with one person watching it. -
the great train robbery
edwin porter, an empolyee of thomas edison made the first narrative film. it had 14 scenes and lasted 12 minutes. -
nickelodeon was the very first kind of moive theater. it was called nickeloden because it was only a nickel to get in. -
the early days
the theaters were attracted 26 million a week and doubled in five years. it was a good way to insure profits -
thomas edison
several companies formed by a trust called the motion patents company led by thomas edison. they planed to control all production of films -
to the east coast
filming was moved to california, which was close to mexico for the weaher, scenery and to run away form edison -
they started to pay actors so people would come and see more films. two stars became very popular during this time, one of them was mary pickford.