History Of FFA Timeline

  • Smith and Hughes Act

    Smith and Hughes Act
    Allowed AG to make courses and it started in Georgia
  • AG teachers/Organization for boys

    AG teachers/Organization for boys
    They got AG teachers, Henry Gloseclose, Harry Sanders, Edmund C. Magill, Walter S. Newman. The Future Farmers of Virginia served as a model for FFA
  • First FFA president

    First FFA president
    Leslie Applegate of New Jersey was the first FFA president
  • Color/Manual

    The the official colors, Corn gold and national blue.
    The first FFA manual was made
  • Creed/Dresscode/Rule

    The FFA creed was adopted by E.M. Tiffany. The official Dress uniform was made. Dark blue shirt, blue or white pants, blue cap, yellow tie. Membership is only for boys
  • New Farmers Of America

    New Farmers Of America
    African American young men made up the New farmers of America.
    Now the FFA has 100,000 members
  • Headquarters

    The official FFA headquarters land was purchased.
  • WW2

    138,548 members enlisted and served in WW2
  • Ethics/ Training

    Ethics/ Training
    The first Ethics code was adopted
    First national leadership training conference.
  • New Rule

    New Rule
    Girls are allowed to have membership in the FFA
  • National Alumni

    National Alumni
    National FFA Alumni is founded.
  • FFA Office

    FFA Office
    Fred McClure from the Texas FFA Association was the first African American to be elected in the National FFA office