Smith-Hughes Act
The Smith-Hughes National Vocational Education Act established vocational agriculture courses. https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTBB28oyyrs1MyCparocFK5tbzUCgWgH0De2nGqS5olp-z5fwJ6yw -
First National Congress of Vocational Agriculture Students
Henry Groseclose, an agriultural teacher trainer. Organised Future Farmers of Virginia. https://sites.google.com/a/alconaschools.net/alconaffachapter/_/rsrc/1375299429040/history/First%20National%20FFA%20Convention.jpg?height=219&width=320 -
National Organizational
Future Farmer of America established in Kansas City, MO. Established a club for boys. Leslie Applegate First National FFA President. https://d1ox703z8b11rg.cloudfront.net/uploads_image/95f8f831-9d49-413b-b54d-4d9e61a3cfe1/36fe9b2b14c0282044a04f4c6ccc4a58.jpeg -
Official Colors
National Blue and Corn Yellow the official colors. Carlton Patton of Arkansas was named first Star Formed of America. One of the first awards created by the national FFA. http://bloximages.chicago2.vip.townnews.com/magicvalley.com/content/tncms/assets/v3/editorial/4/af/4af7fc20-c39d-5aa9-9fac-d10bec2a744b/54f6205d3c564.image.gif -
Official FFA Creed Adopted
Official FFA Creed was adopted at the 3rd National FFA convention.
http://rotan.ffanow.org/I/rotan/creed-pix2.jpg -
Blue Corduroy Jacket
Blue Corduroy Jacket adopted as official dress. Amember of FFA officers and members make a pilgrimage to Washington, DC, weree they are greeted on the White House lawn by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. https://neffafoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/brennan-jacket.jpg -
New Farmers of America founded
NFA was formed for black students. Active FFA members exceeded 100,000 members.
https://www.ffa.org/SiteCollectionImages/about_history_nfa_1950s_farmmechanics.jpg -
First National FFA Band
First NAtional FFA Band performed at national convention. FFA Week was established. National FFA officers went on their first Goodwill Tour.
http://protecttheharvest.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/FFA-Week_Go_All_Out_Banner.jpg -
President Harry Truman
President Harry Truman granted a Federal Charter to FFA. FFA became one of few student organizations ro recieve federal charter from congress.
https://www.ssa.gov/history/pics/truman50a.jpg -
New Farmers of America & FFA
New Farmers of America and Future Famers of America became one.
http://news.texasffa.org/images/NFA_1.jpg -
FFA opens to girls
FFA opens membership to Girls, which made it possible for them to hold office and compete.
https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-nlSUFNKgBS4/TWklI6PUc-I/AAAAAAAAA7U/PPm2GsXnF3I/s1600/DSC_0536.JPG -
Julie Smiley, Washington FFA Association.
Julie Smiley, Washington FFA Association, is the first female elecred to a national office. First FFA Student Handbook.
https://www.ffa.org/SiteCollectionImages/ffa_officialmanual_spanish.jpg -
Name Change
Future Farmer Of America changes its name to the National FFA Organization