History of Fantasy

  • Gods and Fighting Men

  • Period: to

    Barsoom 'Mars' series

    A series of books by Edgar Rice Burroughs cited by AD&D. AD&D also cited the Pellucidar and Venus series which lie within this timeframe and have been omitted owing to space.
  • The Hobbit

  • Period: to

    The Best of Fredric Brown

    Author is cited by AD&D
  • Lest Darkness Fall

    By L. Sprague de Camp cited in AD&D. First published as a short story in the December 1939 issue of Unknown magazine.
  • Period: to

    The Best of Leigh Brackett

    The author is cited in AD&D
  • The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

  • The Broken Sword

    A historical urban fantasy book by Poul Anderson viewed as significantly better than Tolkein by Michael Moorcock (himself rated as one of the best British authors of all time).
    Appears on the AD&D reading list.
  • The High Crusade

    Book by Poul Anderson, cited by AD&D
  • Three Hearts and Three Lions

    Book by Poul Anderson, cited by AD&D
  • Period: to

    Gondwane 'World's End' Series

    A series of books by Lin Carter, cited by AD&D.
  • The Face in the Frost

    A book by John Bellairs, cited in AD&D
  • Period: to

    The Witcher (Polish)

    The first short story was published for a competition in 1986 and Season of Storms was published in 2013
  • Eragon

    Eragon is published by Alfred A. Knopf. It was produced by Paolini International LLC before then but had sold less than a few thousand books.
  • The Last Wish

    The first Witcher book to be published in English. The Witcher video game would be released on the 26th of October that same year.