History of family managment

  • 500 BCE

    acient civilization

    In Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome, family structures became more structured and regulated. The establishment of inheritance laws, dowries, and property rights played a crucial role in maintaining family-based resource management.
  • 1500

    Renaissance Era

    As people became more independent and the middle class grew, families started prioritizing personal wealth and education. During this time, family roles changed, influencing how money and resources were handled at home.
  • Industrial Parenting

    Fast-growing cities and changes in jobs led families to move from large, extended households to smaller, nuclear ones. During this time, modern budgeting and household resource management practices began to develop.
  • Ellen Swallow

    Ellen Swallow helped organize the Lake Placid Conferences. That helped shape the baseline of home economics.
  • All-american Family

    This is post-World War 2 where the "All-american Family" came into play. This included younger marriages, more children, and less divorces
  • Birth of Family resource management

    House efficiency transitioned to being a more focused social system, and resource management was one of the many functions of that system.
  • Double working Parties

    With more families depending on two incomes, they developed better financial planning and resource management strategies to juggle work, childcare, and economic responsibilities.
  • dual working parties

    dual working parties
  • Womens home value

    Women started to become more valuable in America but only in the homes. Men began to be most valuable in the field or the workforce. Women got their worth for being good caretakers of their children.
  • Housewives

  • The Post pandemic

    The pandemic changed family life by making people adjust quickly to work, school, and money. Families found new ways to handle things, showing they could adapt and stay strong during tough times.
  • Covid

  • book source

    Tami James Moore, Asay, S. M. (2021). Family resource management. Sage Publishing.
  • sources

    Resource management: Conceptual framework and history. (n.d.). JRank Family Encyclopedia. Retrieved February 4, 2025, from https://family.jrank.org/pages/1395/Resource-Management-Conceptual-Framework-History.html Concordia University, St. Paul. (n.d.). The evolution of American family structure. CSP Global. Retrieved February 4, 2025, from https://online.csp.edu/resources/article/the-evolution-of-american-family-structure/