History of Families and Family Resource Management

  • Period: 1400 to 1500

    Defining the Family

    Parent-in-law: spouse's father and mother.
    Son-in-law or daughter-in-law: The spouse of the child of the householder
    Other Relatives: Relate by birth, marriage, or adoption.
  • Period: to

    Jean- Jacques Rousseau

    published his novel Emile - helps begin the interest in the natural development of children.
  • Period: to

    Marriage Age

    white-papers-and-books/family-and-social-trends-chronology-0 Average marriage age continues to rise in Europe, The average age for men is 27 while the age for women is 24, during the mid nineteenth century
  • Period: to

    Men to Women life

    Evangelical movement was brought up from the Anglican Church to form a middle class movement.
    "separate spheres" such as men to have a work/public life and women to have a (home life)
  • Period: to

    History of the Family

    Polygyny: man having more than one wife.
    Preindustrial family: an economic unit
    Gibbs and Campbell's views on family: Religious and social groups experimented with different forms of familial social bonds in the Americas during the 19th century
  • Period: to

    the Infant Custody Act

    Caroline Norton's book "Claim of a Mother to the Custody of Her Child (1837) brought upon the Infant Custody Act that was passed in 1839 to give mothers the rights to their children under age 7.
  • Period: to

    Government and the family

    married women began to have property rights through the Married Women's Property Acts in 1839.
    By the 20th century, states permitted married women to "own property" sue and be sued, etc.
    The woman's role in the family was still defined by her husband
  • Period: to

    Ellen Swallow Richardson

    Renaissance women of the 19th century.
    Advocated for women in science
    Her parents were both teachers.
    Attended Vassar College (women's college)
    first women to attend MIT in any class
    made observations that education was the key
  • Period: to

    The Family Today

    Traditional family: A married couple and their biological child or children in one household.
    Nuclear family: The family group consisting of parents and their children in one household.
  • Period: to

    Managing Family Resource s

    Home economics: The field of study that purposefully began the change to better serve the needs of most women, while, changing roles for men and women during the 1950s and 1960s.
  • Citations

    CENGAGE. (2024, September 17). ." World Eras. . encyclopedia.com. 11 Sep. 2024 . Encyclopedia.com. https://www.encyclopedia.com/history/news-wires-white-papers-and-books/family-and-social-trends-chronology-0 Moore, T. J., & Asay, S. M. (2021). Family Resource Management. SAGE Publishing. Risepoint, A. (2023, October 23). The evolution of American Family Structure. CSP Global. https://online.csp.edu/resources/article/the-evolution-of-american-family-structure/