
History of FACS in Education

  • Theory of Evolution In Public Schools

    Theory of Evolution In Public Schools
    Charles Darwin novel The Origin of Species was published November of 1959. Laying the foundation for The Theory of Evolution to be taught in schools and controversy surrounding the Theory of Evolution.
  • UARK founded

    UARK was founded as Arkansas Industrial University and designated as a land grant college under the 1862 Morrill Land Grant Act.
  • First Female Super

    First Female Super
    Phebe Sudlow is named the first women to be a super in the U.S in Davenport Iowa.
  • African Americans Flee South

    After Ruthford Hayes became president, he requested that troops were called out of war. Freeing several African Americans but this also meant the state was self ran. African Americans fleed South as means to get away from governers
  • Washington and Tuskeegee

    Washington and Tuskeegee
    Booker T Washington became the first African American President of HBCU in Tuskegee Alabama called Tuskegee University.
  • Designation of Branch New

    Designation of Branch New
    UAPB, at the time, Branch Normal was designated as a HBCU Land Grant Institution under the Morrill Act of 1819
  • Birth of 4H Programs

    Birth of 4H Programs
    A B Graham started a program designed to teach children to learn agriculture. After Graham opened his program many other programs began to form. Leaving 4 H to be a positive out reach for youth.
  • Smith Lever Act

    Was passed in 1914 and was said to provide extension services informing people of new and improved was of agriculture, home economics, ect and was connected to each states land grant university.
  • Hughes Act

    Hughes Act
    This act provided funding for agricultural and vocational education
  • Founding of ICEC

    International Council for Exceptional Children is founded at Columbia University.
  • Branch Normal to AM&N

    Branch Normal to AM&N
    Branch normal, known today as UAPB, changed their name to Arkansas Agriculture, Mechanical and Normal School
  • Great Depression

    Great Depression
    The Great Depression caused school funding to suffer, as a result, many schools shut down teachers were fired, children were not able to attend public schools, and teachers were paid less
  • IQ Test Gone Public

    The Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale is developed and implemented in many schools to help determine developmental level.
  • BF Skinner Operant Condition

    BF Skinner Operant Condition
    B F Skinners operant conditioning becomes widely known and implemented in schools after his book Human Science and Behavior was published.
  • Vocational Education Act

    After the act was passed the term career and technical education was used instead of vocational. In addition, the act provided training and for people of all age, race and socioeconomic background.
  • Amended Vocation Act of 1968

    This amendment changed the acts objective from training individuals to preparing them for work force.
    But also provided each state the funds for the schools under certain conditions.
  • Vocational Amendement of 1972

    This amendment focused on the treatment inclusion of people with disabilities. And forbidden mistreatment of any persons with disabilities.
  • Carl Perkins Act of 1984

    The purpose of this act was to increase the quality of education specifically for individuals with disabilities, limited English and provided funds for those with great financial need.
  • Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act of 1990

    Re-coined as the Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Act, the need for providing equal education was emphasized for those who displayed special need.
  • Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act of 2006

    Carl D. Perkins Career and Technical Education Act increased its focus academic achievement and technical education students, strengthen the connections between secondary and postsecondary education, and improve state and local accountability.