History of Ethics in Psychology

  • 6500 BCE


    Researchers would drill holes into the person that suffered from psychological issues to free the demons. This experiment impacted me because it is very different from what we do today, especially with this experiment having a religious background.
  • Tuskegee Syphilis Study

    Black American men that were living in poverty in Macon County, Alabama were studied to document disease and racial differences in the spread of syphilis. This research had an impact on me due to the fact that the black men who were researched weren't informed on having the disease nor given treatment/preventions of syphilis.
  • Nazi Concentration Camp Experiments

    This experiment was performed on homosexuals, jews and negros. They were put through physical and psychological torture by given sleep deprivation, unnecessary surgeries without anesthesia, etc. This impacted me because of the mass killing of these people used for this experiment and how it's hard to believe how cruel and unusual others were to people different from them.
  • Zimbardo Prison Experiment

    A team of researchers had volunteers become prison guards and prisoners to see how reasonable people became unreasonable when put into places of a sense of power over the other. This impacted me because it is interesting to see how a position can change a persons attitude and way of thinking.