History of ESE and Special Education

  • Perkins School for the Blind

    Perkins School for the Blind
    Perkins was the first school established in the United States for students with visual impairments or blindness. Perkins contributed to the future educational standards for students with disabilities because the school introduced new and innovative teaching methods. This event demonstrated that students with disabilities could learn in educational environments. Anne Sullivan was notably one of the students there and she later taught Helen Keller.
  • Brown vs. Board of Education

    Brown vs. Board of Education
    Brown vs. Board of Education helped establish the precedent that separate is not always equal when it comes to educating. It paved the way for more equal opportunities amongst students with disabilities because the Supreme Court ruled racial segregation was unconstitutional. As a result, it set the path for future legislation involving inclusivity for those who have disabilities or different backgrounds.
  • PARC vs. commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    PARC vs. commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    Pennsylvania Association of Retarded Children (PARC) vs. the commonwealth of Pennsylvania concluded that it was unconstitutional to deny mentally challenged or handicapped students a public education. The case found many state laws unconstitutional and required in the future, that students with disabilities be placed in public school settings within the state of Pennsylvania. This court ruling was instrumental for the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975.
  • EAHCA of 1975

    EAHCA of 1975
    The Education for All Handicapped Children Act or “the Mainstreaming Act” cemented that all states were required to provide all handicapped children ages 5 through 18, a free public education. The EAHCA started and mandated individualized education programs. This legislation was first to define “least restrictive environment” and lead to more students with special needs being exposed to regular classroom environments.
  • Honig vs. Doe

    Honig vs. Doe
    This court decision was the first to protect the educational rights of students who are emotionally challenged or disabled. Honig vs. Doe ensured that students with emotional or behavioral challenges may not be suspended for more than ten days. The ruling of this case also stated that schools can’t expel students for behaviors relating to their disability.
  • IDEA

    IDEA or the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act replaced the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. Additionally, IDEA added two more categories of disability which included autism and traumatic brain injury. This legislative act also expanded the services for special education students to include assistive technology and rehabilitation.
  • Oberti vs. Board of Education

    Oberti vs. Board of Education
    This court case reaffirmed the right for students with disabilities to be placed and educated in least restrictive environments. The court ruled schools must properly integrate students with disabilities into regular classrooms with whatever means. The school in question was found unreasonably placing a student in separate special education classes.
  • Vision for Equality Organization

    Vision for Equality Organization
    Vision for Equality was created in January of 1996 and has focused on advocating for those with disabilities to have equal access to education and employment. As an advocacy group, they address issues of disability discrimination and support educators in improving educational environments for students with diverse needs. The organization also helps families have access to different resources and services.

    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act implemented more stronger accountability standards for schools. It mandated that schools exhibit evidence for student progress.The legislation also increased federal funds to provide early intervention services.
  • The Every Student Succeeds Act

    The Every Student Succeeds Act
    The Every Student Succeeds Act or ESSA was introduced by President Obama in December 2015. This act pushed for the implementation of evidence based interventions for students with disabilities in schools. In addition, ESSA prioritized closing the achievement gaps for disadvantaged students and schools.