Period: 200 to
As the 21st century got underway, history remained the outstanding concern of English literature. Although contemporary issues such as global warming and international conflicts (especially the Second Persian Gulf War and its aftermath) received attention, writers were still more disposed to look back. -
Period: 450 to 1066
Old English
A period defined by poetry and a little prose text that is written in a single meter is formulaic, the topics are characters and scenery with such recurring images like landscapes or animals, religion, elegy, and heroes. -
History of the English church and people
By the Venerable Bede -
The first great work of Germanic literature mingles the legends of Scandinavia with the experience in England of Angles and Saxons -
Period: 1066 to 1500
Middle English
Although the older poetry continued to be copied, rhyme had begun to supplant the alliteration. There were common didactic and romance verses, while came steady growth in the composition of religious prose of various kinds and the first appearance of secular prose in any quantity. -
The courtly poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
It tells of a mysterious visitor to the round table of King Arthur -
Troilus and Criseyde
A long poem about a legendary love affair in ancient Troy by Chaucer -
Period: 1500 to
English Renaissance
These years produced a gallery of authors of genius, from one point of view, this sudden renaissance looks radiant, confident, heroic—as a release. Yet, from another point of view, this was a time of unusually traumatic strain, in which English society underwent massive disruptions that transformed it on every front and decisively affected the life of every individual. -
William Tyndale and translation the Bible into English
He studies in the university at Wittenberg and plans to translate -
Shakespeare and Hamlet
Shakespeare's central character in Hamlet expresses both the ideals of the Renaissance and the disillusion of a less confident age -
The Compleat Angler
By devoted fisherman Izaak Walton -
Period: to
The Puritans struggled for righteousness and liberty. It is defined by breaking up of old ideas. Some of the literary men had the tendencies to look backward for the old golden age, and some wanted to look forward to a better world with the throbs of hope and fresh vitality and youth. -
Period: to
Restoration Age
The division between royalists and republicans still ran through the literature of the period. The gender and kind of written were chronicles, drama, diaries, and the court wits -
Paradise Lost
It published, earning its author John Milton just £10 -
Samuel Pepys ends his diary
after only writing it for nine years -
An Aphra Behn's novel that makes an early protest against the inhumanity of the African slave trade -
Period: to
18th Century
It is defined by enormous growth in the publication of political literature. Such ambitious debates on society and human nature ran parallel with the explorations of a literary form finding new popularity with a large audience, the novel. Also, the poetry was more growth -
By Samuel Richardson, it grows into the longest novel in the English language -
The first part of The Rights of Man
By Thomas Paine, it is a reply to Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France -
Period: to
About poetry: New role of individual thought and personal feeling. Poetry was regarded as conveying its own truth; sincerity was the criteria by which it was to be judged.
About the novel: Invention of the Gothic novel. Another was the appearance of a politically engaged fiction in the years immediately before the French Revolution. A third was the rise of women writers to prominence in prose fiction. -
Sense and Sensibility
By English author Jane Austen -
Don Juan
By Byron. It is a poem about an epic satirical comment on contemporary life -
Oliver Twist
By Charles Dickens -
Period: to
Realism was one of the great artistic movements of the era because traditional conceptions of man’s nature and place in the world were under threat. Also, Victorian literature began with such humorous books, This age may be, in fact, have been the greatest era of comic writing in English literature. -
A Study in Scarlet
Sherlock Holmes features in Conan Doyle's first novel -
Period: to
Modern Literature
There was a remarkably productive period of innovation and experiment as novelists and poets undertook, in anthologies and magazines, to challenge the literary conventions not just of the recent past but of the entire post-Romantic era. There was literature about the two world wars. -
In The Economic Consequences of the Peace
Maynard Keynes publishes a strong attack on the reparations demanded from Germany -
The Waves
Virginia Woolf publishes the most fluid of her novels -
Period: to
Post Moderns
Increased attachment to religion most immediately characterized literature after World War II. About the poetry, emerged what came to be known with characteristic understatement as The Movement that produced urbane, formally disciplined verse in an antiromantic vein characterized by irony, understatement, and a sardonic refusal to strike attitudes or make grand claims for the poet’s role. -
Six-volume history The Second World War
By Politician and author Winston Churchill. -
A schoolboy wizard performs his first tricks in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
Cloud Atlas
By David Mitchell