• 450

    OLD ENGLISH (450-1066)

    OLD ENGLISH (450-1066)
    BEOWULF: Greatest and first old english poem written by unknown author
  • 1066

    MIDDLE ENGLISH (1066-1500)

    MIDDLE ENGLISH (1066-1500)
    -Works frequently of a religiously didactic content.
    -Geofrey chaucer "the canterbury tales"
  • 1500


    -Influence of Aristotle, Ovid, as well as science and exploration.
    -William Shakespeare,Christopher Marlowe, Jhon Fletcher etc.
    -Primarily texts for public performance
  • RESTORATION AGE (1660-1700)

    RESTORATION AGE (1660-1700)
    The monarchy was restored in england, Dryden was the representative writer of this period
  • 18TH CENTURY (1700- 1798)

    18TH CENTURY (1700- 1798)
    Britain experienced vast social, political, economical and existencial changes, representatives autor such as montagu, finch, jhonson.
  • ROMANTICISM (1798- 1837)

    ROMANTICISM (1798- 1837)
    -William blake includes his poem "jerusalen" in the preface to his book MILTON.
    -Charles Dickens first´ novel, Oliver Twist begins monthly publication
  • VICTORIAN (1837-1901)

    VICTORIAN (1837-1901)
    -Named for the reign of quen victoria, britain´s longest reigning monarch.
    -literature seems as a bridge between romanticism and modernism.
  • MODERN LITERATURE(1901-1940)

    MODERN LITERATURE(1901-1940)
    -Beatrix potter publishes at her own expense The Tale of Peter Rabbit. -Agata Christie´s miss marple makes her fis appearance, in Murder of the Vicarage -Flann o´ brien´s The Third Policeman is rejected by numerous publishers before becoming, decades later, his best- known novel
  • POST MODERN (1940-2000)

    POST MODERN (1940-2000)
    -English author and alcoholic Malcolm Lowry publishes an autobiographical novel, Under the Volcano. -Politician and Author Winston Churchill completes his six-volume history The Second World War -The Amber Spyglass completes Philip pullman´s trilogy, his "Dark Materials"
  • CONTEMPORARY(2000-2019)

    -The film series of C.S. lewis´s Chronicles of Narnia is launched wih the Lion,The Witch and the Wardrobe.
    -The Nobel Peace Prize to Juan Manuel Santos. -Michael schumacher becomes the first driver to win seven world championships titles in formula one