La literatura inglesa en la edad media 3

History of English Literature

  • 731

    The Venerable Bede, in his monastery at Jarrow, completes his history of the English church and people

    The Venerable Bede, in his monastery at Jarrow, completes his history of the English church and people
  • Jan 1, 800

    Beowulf, the first great work of Germanic literature, mingles the legends of Scandinavia with the experience in England of Angles and Saxons

    Beowulf, the first great work of Germanic literature, mingles the legends of Scandinavia with the experience in England of Angles and Saxons
  • Jan 1, 950

    The material of the Eddas, taking shape in Iceland, derives from earlier sources in Norway, Britain and Burgundy

    The material of the Eddas, taking shape in Iceland, derives from earlier sources in Norway, Britain and Burgundy
  • Jan 1, 1300

    Duns Scotus, known as the Subtle Doctor in medieval times, later provides humanists with the name Dunsman or dunce

    Duns Scotus, known as the Subtle Doctor in medieval times, later provides humanists with the name Dunsman or dunce
    Duns Scotus, Bl Johannes (c.1265–1308)
  • Jan 1, 1469

    Thomas Malory, in gaol somewhere in England, compiles Morte d'Arthur – an English account of the French tales of King Arthu

    Thomas Malory, in gaol somewhere in England, compiles Morte d'Arthur – an English account of the French tales of King Arthu
    Thomas Malory
  • Jan 1, 1510

    Erasmus and Thomas More take the northern Renaissance in the direction of Christian humanism

    Erasmus and Thomas More take the northern Renaissance in the direction of Christian humanism
    Erasmus and Thomas
  • Shakespeare's central character in Hamlet expresses both the ideals of the Renaissance and the disillusion of a less confident age

    Shakespeare's central character in Hamlet expresses both the ideals of the Renaissance and the disillusion of a less confident age
  • Devoted fisherman Izaak Walton publishes the classic work on the subject, The Compleat Angler

    Devoted fisherman Izaak Walton publishes the classic work on the subject, The Compleat Angler
    Izaak Walton
  • The Tatler launches a new style of journalism in Britain's coffee houses, followed two years later by the Spectator

    The Tatler launches a new style of journalism in Britain's coffee houses, followed two years later by the Spectator
  • English poet Thomas Gray publishes his Elegy written in a Country Church Yard

    English poet Thomas Gray publishes his Elegy written in a Country Church Yard
    Gray, Thomas
  • Walter Scott's poem Lady of the Lake brings tourists in unprecedented numbers to Scotland's Loch Katrine

    Walter Scott's poem Lady of the Lake brings tourists in unprecedented numbers to Scotland's Loch Katrine
    Walter Scott
  • Alfred Tennyson's elegy for a friend, In Memoriam, captures perfectly the Victorian mood of heightened sensibility

    Alfred Tennyson's elegy for a friend, In Memoriam, captures perfectly the Victorian mood of heightened sensibility
    Alfred Tennyson
  • Joseph Conrad publishes his novel Lord Jim about a life of failure and redemption in the far East

    Joseph Conrad publishes his novel Lord Jim about a life of failure and redemption in the far East
    Joseph Conrad
  • C.S. Lewis gives the first glimpse of Narnia in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

    C.S. Lewis gives the first glimpse of Narnia in The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe
    C.S. Lewis
  • The Amber Spyglass completes Philip Pullman's trilogy, His Dark Materials

    The Amber Spyglass completes Philip Pullman's trilogy, His Dark Materials
    Philip Pullman