Classic Era
English literature first enters university in the 1760s in Scotland, but it does so under the (for us) strange rhetorical label of Tor rhetoric and Belles Lettres, "by the Adam Frenzian. -
Literary Studies in English
In 1828 University College London began teaching and recruited Britain's first "Professor of English Language and Literature". -
New universities
As the 19th century continued, more new universities were founded in other cities in England, Ireland, and Wales, and these generally also had a professor of English literature. The oldest universities did the same: Glasgow in 1862 and Trinity College Dublin in 1867 -
English Exam
In 1878 the University of Cambridge established an examination committee on "Medieval and Modern Languages" which included English as one of its subjects. -
English language and literature
In 1885mOxford established a chair in English language and literature in and in 1911Cambridge a separate chair in English literature. -
Advances in English
In the 1920s and 1930s the most significant developments in English studies emerged, some of the most influential professors saw the rise of "mass civilization" as a threat to what they called "culture". In using the latter term, they were based on the thought of the important Victorian intellectual Matthew Arnold. Richards and The Leavises, reading great literature, offered an experience of integrity and harmony that would not otherwise be available in the modern world. -
Critical Literature
La literatura estadounidense comenzó a enseñarse por derecho propio desde finales del siglo XIX también. A fines de la década de 1930 y 1940, los maestros estadounidenses desarrollaron un enfoque para estudiar literatura que fue bautizado como "la Nueva Crítica": los Críticos más conocidos fueron John Crowe Ransom, Cleanth Brooks, William K. Wimsatt y Monroe C. Beardsley. -
Changes in Literary Studies
In the 1960s a change in the nature of literary studies began, which remains the context in which English literature is taught in universities today, intellectual and institutional developments, and rejection of the two assumptions shared by Richards, Leavis, and the various American schools. -
Higher Education in English
La expansión masiva de la educación superior en el mundo de habla inglesa desde la década de 1960 en adelante. Las universidades comenzaron a atraer a jóvenes de una sección transversal de la sociedad mucho más amplia que antes, y esos estudiantes también estaban más preparados que las generaciones anteriores para cuestionar los valores encarnados en instituciones como las universidades.