History of electricity

  • 1500 BCE

    Thales of Miletus

    A Greek philosopher created the static electric
  • Dr Williams Gilbert

    Dr williams Gilbert recorded a report to the electrical team the theory of magnetism
  • Condensation Motor

    Scotsman James Watt invents the steam condensing engine, at the beginning engine used to activate the generators
  • Allesandro Volta

    The physic teacher Allesandro Volta shows that when moisture comes between two different metals
  • Humphry Davy

    The english Chemist Sir Humphry Davy discovers the electric arc, a luminous flame of electricity.
  • Christian Oersted

    Hans Christian Oersted of Denmark holds a magnetic compass near a current-carryng wire, discovering electromagnetism.
  • Alexander Graham Bell

    Alexander makes it transmit the speech by electric cables on the telephone
  • Thomas Edison

    Thomas Edison invents the phonograph - one of his more than 1.100 invents
  • Schuyler Wheeler

    Schuyler makes the first electric fan, using an electric motor to turn a propeller placed on the end of a shaft.
  • Nikola Tesla

    A Serbian electrical engineer who had immigrated to the United States and was working with Edison , introduces the alternating current generator , allowing electricity to be distribuited longer distances than the two miles possible with direct current generators.