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History of electric telecommunication

By Ans.L
  • 500 BCE

    The abacus **Copumputer**

    The abacus  **Copumputer**
    The abacus was invented
  • Electricity **General**

    Electricity   **General**
    Benjamin Franklin discovers the electricity
  • The battery **General**

    The battery  **General**
    Volta discovers the battery properties.
  • The telegraph ** Telegraph**

    The telegraph   ** Telegraph**
    º William Fothergill Cook y Charles Wheatstone invent the first commercial teleraph
    º It´s known as the conqueror of space and time.
    º The main contribution of the telegraph was the inmediate communication. (3*10**8 m\s).
    º Telegraph: distance + write.
  • Telegraph improvements **Telegraph**

    Telegraph improvements  **Telegraph**
    º Samuel Morse improves in many ways the telegraph at a point that it´s considered the telegraph father.
    º Develops a single-wire system, creates the morse code, enabled messages to be sent across further distances...
  • Computer algorithm **Computer**

    Computer algorithm  **Computer**
    º Ada Lovelace works on the first algorithm designed to be processed in a computer
  • The telephone **Telephone**

    The telephone  **Telephone**
    º Antonio Meuci creates the first telephone known has telettrofono
    º The main contribution of the telephone was that it allowed a more verbal and direct communication between the users.
    º Telephone: Sound + Distance
  • The commercialization of the telephone **Telephone**

    The commercialization of the telephone  **Telephone**
    º Graham Bell adquires the patent of the telephone.
    º Bell improves and sell to the masses the telephone.
  • The Nipkow disc **Television**

    The Nipkow disc  **Television**
    º The nipkow disc consisted of a wheel with many images that rotates and a ligt that reflected those images to create a "living image".
  • The prediction and demonstration of electomagnetic waves. **The radio**

    The prediction and demonstration of electomagnetic waves.  **The radio**
    º In 1867 Maxwell predicted the existence of electomagnetic waves.
    º In 1888 Hertz demonstrated Maxewells theory.
  • The invention of Tesla coil **Radio**

    The invention of Tesla coil  **Radio**
    º Nikola tesla creates the tesla coil which ables the sound waves to transmit inalambricaly
  • The radio **Radio**

    The radio  **Radio**
    º Marconi achieves to transmit wirelessly sound waves at short distance.
    º The contribution of the radio is that it allowed wireless communication.
    º The radio was the first invention that connected an emisor to many receptors.
    º Radio: "Radious" (lightning).
  • The first television **Television**

    The first television  **Television**
    º John Logie Baird sincronizes 2 Nipkow discs and creates the first electric television.
  • The iconoscopy and Cathode Ray Tube **Television**

    The iconoscopy and Cathode Ray Tube  **Television**
    º The iconoscopy is invented by Vladimir Zworykin in 1931, the insist on fotoelectric cells.
    º The cathode ray tube is invented also by Vladimir Zworykin in 1934, with the help of electromagnetic fields deflected the electrons
  • The first real computer **Computer**

    The first real computer  **Computer**
    º Konrad Zuse invents the first real computer.
    º His computer implemented binary code, it was the first fully programmable computer designing the first programme language...
    º Computer: "Computare" (Calculate).
  • The television **Television**

    The television  **Television**
    º There were many contribuitors for the creation of the actual television.
    º The TV allowed image transmision wirelessly.
    º Television: distance + vision.
  • The transistor **Computer**

    The transistor  **Computer**
    º John Bardeen, Walter H. Brattain and
    William B. Shoclkley invent the transistor.
    º Transistor: Trasfer + Resistance.
    º The transistor used semiconductors materials to interrupt or connect electric circuits.
    º It meant an automatization and simplification of many machines and led to the creation of the binary code.
  • Interconnected computer web **Internet**

    Interconnected computer web  **Internet**
    º Paul Baran presents an interconnected web of computers enabled to a descentralized connection.
    º The actual internet operates in the same way that did Paul Barans web.
    º The internet allowed the a wireless connection to all the "connected" computers in the web, which was key for any type of data exchange (video, sound, image or text).
  • The first desktop computer **Computer**

    The first desktop computer **Computer**
    º Olivetti corporations commercializes the first desktop computer.
  • Arpanet **Internet**

    Arpanet  **Internet**
    º The US governement develops the arpanet during the cold war to have a secure way of communication.
  • Windows **Computer**

    Windows  **Computer**
    º Microsoft company founded by Bill Gates publishes the operative sistem of Windows v1.0.
  • Web sites **Internet**

    Web sites  **Internet**
    º Tim Berners Lee invents the protocol of hipertext transferency using mainly the https, thus, creating the web sites.
  • The INTERnet **Internet**

    The INTERnet  **Internet**
    º The internet is made public to everyone