History of Educational Technology

  • 500 BCE


    Arguments about role of technology go back at least 2500 years. Writting documents existed in considerable numbers in Ancient Greek.
    But The King of Egypt believed writting will implant forgetfulness [ Phaedrus, 274c-275, translation adapted from Manguel, 1996]
  • 750

    Homer`s Ilıad and The Odyssey

    Homer`s Ilıad and The Odyssey
    One of the earliest means of formal teaching [ through human speech] such as stories, folklore, histories and news were transmitted through oral communication.
    For the Ancient Greeks, oratory and speech were the means by which people learned and passed on learning. [ Bates, 2019 , p. 215].
    Homer`s Ilıad and The Odyssey were reactive poems of that time
  • 1101

    Slate Boards

    Slate Boards
    Slate boards were in use in Indıa.
    Chalboards used in schools around 18th century.
  • Period: 1401 to 1500

    2-Written Communication

    Invention of printing press in Europe in 15th century made written knowledge much more freely available as a result many more people in government and business were required to become literate and analytical, which led to rapid expansion of formal education in Europe.
  • University

    Improvements in transport infrasturcture and the creation of a cheap and reliable postal systems in the 1840`s led to the development of the first formal correspondence education, with the University of London offering an external degree program by correspondence from internal program in 1970.
  • 3-Broadcasting and Video

    3-Broadcasting and Video
    The British Broadcasting Corporation [ BBC] began broadcasting educational radio programs for schools in 1920.
    The first adult education broadcast from the BBC in 1924 was a talk ın `` Insects in Relation to Man `` and in the same year , J.C. Stobart, the new director of Education at the BBC mused about ``A Broadcasting University`` in the journal Radio Times [ Robinson, 1982].
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    At the end of world war 2 , the US Army started using electronic projectors until it got replaced by software and most technologies used in education were not developed specifially for education but for other purposes [ mainly for military].
  • 4-Computer Technologies

    4-Computer Technologies
    Development of programmed learning aims to computerize teaching. [ Bates ,2019, p. 219 ]
    B.F. Skinner started experimenting with teaching machines that made use of programmed learning in 1954 based on the theory of behaviorism.
  • OU

    Televison was first used in education in the 1960`s.
    In 1969, The British government established the Open University [ OU ] , which worked in partnership with the BBC to develop university programs. [ Bates,2019,P. 217].
  • Television Use for Education

    Television Use for Education
    The use of TV for education spread around the world, being seen in the 1970`s , by agencies like The World Bank and UNESCO
  • Education Hopes

    As a panacea for education in developing countries the hopes for which quickly faded when the reality of lack of electricity , cost, security of publicly available equipment , climate, resistance from local teachers and local language ans culture issues became apparent. [ See for instance. Jamison and Klees 1973]
  • Computer Networking

    Computer Networking
    At the University of Guelph in Canada , an off- the- shelf software system called CoSy was developed that allowed for online threaded group discussion forums
  • Computer Based Learning

    Computer Based Learning
    Attemps to replicate the teaching process through artifical intelligence [AI] began with a focus initially on teaching aritmatics.
  • Satellite

    India launched it`s own satellite INSAT, in 1983. Used it initailly for delivering locally produced educational television programs throughout the country in several indigenous languages, using Indian-designed recievers and television sets in local community centres as well as schools.[ Bates,1985]
  • Earliest Mass Open Online Courses

    Earliest Mass Open Online Courses
    The Open University in The United Kingdom offered a course, DT200 , that used OU`s traditional media of printed texts, television programs and audio-cassets, also included online discussion component using CoSy.[ Baset,2019, p. 219]
  • Web-Based Learning

  • Online Learning Environment

    Online Learning Environment
    The web enabled the development off the first learning management systems [ LMSs] such as WebCT [ which later became Blackboard].
    The first fully online courses started to appear , some using LMS, others just loading text as PDFs or slides.
  • Institute

    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology [MIT] started making it`s recorded lectures available to the public.
  • Khan Academy

    Khan Academy
    The Khan Academy started using youtube for educational clips.
  • ITunesU

    Apple created ITunesU to became a portal or a site where videos and vother digital materials on university teaching could be collected and downloaded free of charge by users.
  • Online Courses

    George Siemens , Stephen Downes and Dave Carmier in Canada were using web technology to create the first [ constructivist] Massive Open Online Course
    [ MOOC].
  • AI

    Two Standford University professors launched a lecture-capture based MOOC an artificial intelligence attracting more than 100.000 students