Self-Directed Play and Exploring
12,000 years ago, people had to hunt and gather our food from the land around them. As children, they were learning to hunt and gather, but were also playing and exploring. Children explored the land around them, while using self-directed play. People had to learn and be knowledgable about the types of fruits they were bringing back to their people. They also had to learn useful skills to help them hunt animals around them. -
The invention of agriculture changed the way of living for the people. They did not have to be as skillful as hunters, or as exploring as gathers. Children could work on the farming land, resulting in larger families to create more help around the farm. Because of this, there was a decrease in the children's exploration and play. However, they were still learning how to care for the crops of the land. -
Early Education
After the limitations on child labor, education became a prioritized practice for children. However, the education that the children were getting where how to be punctual, sit for long hours, follow directions, and how to become better labor workers for their later life. The children were not learning material, they were memorizing it because of the repetition. -
Curriculum in Education
Education began to accept a form of outline for what the children were supposed to learn. Physical punishments began to go away from the educational systems, but the main focus point to how education was structured was still the same. Children had six hour days, still had increased structure around their day, and were defined by their grade in school, much like how adults are defined by what kind of worker they are. -
The Introduction of Technology
The first teaching machine was invented. This machine was to "present a unit of information, (b) provides some means for the learner to respond to the information, and (c) provides feedback about the correctness of the learner’s responses". This began the incorporation of technology that changed the education system. -
Kids Can't Wait
Steve Jobs influenced how children learn in schools because of the Kids Can't Wait program. This was the start of how every child in school got a computer. -
Apple Classroom of Tomorrow
Steve Jobs and Apple knew the KCW program wasn't enough. For the next 10 years, they collected data that showed how the use of everyday technology improved the learning for children in school.