First Public School
Boston Latin School in Massachusetts opens it's first public secondary school. -
Birth of teachers Union
The national teachers association developed and gave educators a united front, beginning with 100 members. The Union today is the National Education Association and has more than 3.2 million members. -
Plessy Vs. Ferguson
Legalized segregation but institutions, including schools, that are designated for blacks are far inferior to those for whites. -
Brown Vs. Board Of Education
Ended legal segregation in public schools, became a landmark in the Untied States Surpeme Court Case and overuled the law of blacks and whites being unable to attend the same school as unconstitutional -
Higher Education Act
The higher education act is again amended and reauthorized, expanding access to higher education for low middle income students , giving them funds for graduate studies and making accountability larger. -
Standarized Test Are Born
Standarized test are born and, the scores then are sent to the federal government and takes a larger role in subsidizing schools and wants them to be held accountable. -
Individuals With Disablities
(IDEA), was the right for handi-cap individuals with a disability to a free, public education in a safe restricted enviornment. -
No Child left behind
George W. Bush created the law that no child shall be left behind and it increased the federal funding for education and brought in standards-based reform . -
Internet Acess World-Wide
All American schools gained access to the internet -
Race To The Top Program
Barack Obama founded this program that ushered in a wave of education reforms as states competed for federal grants in the midst of recession.