Education in the Colonial Period
During this time religion was not separate from schooling. Subjects learned included simple math, poetry, prayers, reading and writing. Materials were scarce so most books and poetry were memorized and recited. -
Common Schools
Jefferson created a way of standardizing public schools and providing equal chances for students. This created an adequate schooling system in the US. -
Northwest Land Ordinace
This ordinance set up a system where the public could purchase farmland. This was an important and one of the first ways that the government funded public education -
Committee of Ten
The Committee of Ten was a group of educators that worked together on the high school curriculum to standardize it for the United States. -
MOST IMPORTANT*Population Growth and Immigration in the 19th century
At this time many people were immigrating to the United States and enrolling their children in public schools. This mass immigration caused chaos in NYC as the public education program had to learn to accommodate students that spoke many different languages.Today there is lots of diversity in public schools.Teachers are still learning the best ways help immigrant students and adding new classes and learning to teach in new ways. http://ushistoryscene.com/article/rise-of-public-education/ -
Impact of John Dewey
John Dewey author of "School in Society" believed that public school should be about the whole child. He came up with the idea of physical education and wanted it to be included in schools. -
The Progressive Reform Movement
John Dewey, the father of progressive education, changed the American public school curriculum by putting an emphasis on learning from present experiences. Group work and many different ways of learning were introduced at this time. -
MOST IMPORTANT*Brown V. Board of Education
This court case ruled that separate but equal was no longer constitutional. This allowed the integration of both black and white children in public schools. This provided African American students an equal chance at education. Without this Supreme Court case, the world would be very different today. This ruling was the beginning of desegregation in America. https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/brown-v-board-of-education-of-topeka -
Sputnik and NDEA
"Sputnik" is the name of the Soviet Union's satellite that was sent into space. This fueled President Eisenhower to make the National Defense Education Act that funded public schools and their improvements and to promote the importance of post-secondary education. -
President Johnson, a former elementary teacher from Texas, created the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that allocated funding to disadvantaged schools and actually enforced the Brown V. Board ruling that schools should now be integrated. He believes that an equal chance of education equaled an equal chance at life. This still holds true today as education is a huge part of American society and ultimately propels you further in life. https://www.ourdocuments.gov/doc.php?flash=false&doc=97 -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
This Act was a federal program that would fund public education in the United States. This was to aid disadvantaged students and to better their education. -
MOST IMPORTANT*Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
Before 1975 most disabled students were denied access to an appropriate education. This Act integrated all disabled students into public schools and began their education. This was a huge step because people were realizing that disabled people had value and abilities and deserved the right to be educated. This has drastically changed the lives of many disabled individuals and families. https://sites.ed.gov/idea/ -
MOST IMPORTANT*A Nation at Risk Report
President Reagan wanted to revise the education system in the United States and made changes to add more competition and raise the standards for students to meet. Students were getting lazy and were not being educated. This raising of the bar made students work harder and therefore gain more knowledge and be more successful after graduation.This is still true today as standards are being raised, students work harder to meet those goals. https://www2.ed.gov/pubs/NatAtRisk/risk.html -
School Choice Movement: Charter Schools, Vouchers
Around 1984 parents were now able to have choice in where their children attended school. Before this time it was required of you to attend the nearest public school. This was important because it created competition between schools and because of this, schools were forced to reorganize in fear of students leaving and being shut down. Charter schools were also created. -
No Child Left Behind Act
This Act required public schools to give students certain tests in order to receive federal funding. It added an emphasis on testing students, academic success and teacher qualifications and also helped disadvantaged students in Title I schools.