Boston latin school

Some History of Education in the United States

  • First Public School

    First Public School
    The first public school was opened to the public on April 23rd, 1635 in Boston, Massachusetts.
    I would like to teach in public schools.
  • National Defense Education Act

    National Defense Education Act
    This act provided 887 million dollars to build up science education, which also included funding the National Science Foundation (NSF), which supported training teachers, research, and curriculum development. This happened a year after the Soviet Union put Sputnik 1 into orbit. The space race build upon the Cold War was incredibly interesting to read about, I'd love to talk about it in class.
  • Title VI of the Civil Rights Act

    Race discrimination in education is prohibited! This is extremely important in today's political climate. I was bullied and put down for being part native American (not even noticeably) and for being a girl. I will not tolerate this in my classes. It's important when teaching biology and genetics that children keep their minds wide open.
  • Elementary and Secondary Education Act

    President Lyndon B. Johnson signed this bill to help with poverty and "ignorance." However this bill helped with financial assistance to low income families, school libraries, textbooks, educational centers and services, research and training, grants, and general provisions. This Act has been revised since. I want to teach in lower income districts. I think it's important that everyone gets a good education, no matter your background.
  • Opting out of Dissection

    Opting out of Dissection
    Florida passed a law (along with 14 other states) that allows students to opt out of dissection. This law helped create resolutions like virtual dissection technology. I am very grateful that I was allowed to opt out. I was 13 or 14 and heart broken. I will not be making any of my students dissect anything with out their consent. Some people just don't like it!
  • IDEA

    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act was previously known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act. This act allows education to be tailored to a child's individual needs. As I have had to work on IEP's for my son, this is incredibly important to me as all children deserve a good education. Not all children that act out are doing so just to misbehave. Some of them can not help it. I would love to advocate for parents.
  • STEM Education Act of 2015

    Amends the Nation Science Foundation Authorization Act of 2002 to allow award of NSF Master Teaching Fellowships to math and science teachers who possess a bachelor's. Teaching STEM is incredibly important, rewards to help continued learning in these areas is important to continue to teach these areas to students. I plan to continue my education.
  • Every Student Succeeds Act

    This act was built from No Child Left behind which was a reauthorization from the 1965 Elementary and Secondary Education Act. This however this act shifts the responsibilities to the States and restricts the federal government. Each state has to submit it's goals and standards to the Federal Government. I feel like some standardized testing could help pinpoint which districts need a bit more help, but also feel that kids don't need standardized tests every year.
  • COVID 19

    COVID 19
    United States declares a Public Health Emergency and everyone include teachers are put into lockdown. Teachers have to have their classes online through software like Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Discord. I learned to use zoom and other programs, which will help me in the future teach children if they need to use zoom.
  • Mass Exit of Teachers

    Teachers between 2020 & 2022 left the profession in large numbers (+/- 300,000) do to the extreme challenges that Covid stressors put on the job. I decided that because of life changes and covid, now would be a good time to get into teaching. Covid is also a virus which would be interesting to talk about with the kids.