Puritan Schools (Common Schools)
Virginia Assembly- 3 Years of Education
Jefferson worked out 3 years of education for every child, and higher education for high achievers. Aristocrats stuck out as candidates for the higher education option. 3 years of education is the maximum amount of time allowed for girls. Blacks had reading circles where they read during this time period. -
Period: to
Jefferson's Diffusion of Knowledge
Jefferson's Diffusion of Knowledge was turned down three times. The University of Virginia was founded by Jefferson. -
Thomas Jefferson- Democracies
"Democracies depend on education." -
Noah Webster- Blue Black Speller
The Blue Black Speller teaches Americans about their country. New pronunciations are introduced into the language. It was the forerunner to Webster's English Dictionary. -
Period: to
Statewide Schools
Statewide schools thought of by Jefferson and brought to fruition by Horace Mann. he rode district to district physically checking on schools. Horrible inequities existed between communities. Mann visited 1000 schools. These schools promoted common knowledge. -
Enrollment Vs. Cost
Enrollment Longevity in 1837: 4 months
Cost: $2.81 Million Enrollment Longevity in 1848: 7 months
Cost: $4.8 Million -
Great School Debates
Great School Debates- Bishop Hughes speaks about getting equal funding for religious schools. -
Philadelphia Bible Riots
13 people killed -
New York Board Of Education Established
Catholic Schools Established
Catholic schools started by Archbishop Hughes. -
MA Abolished Segregation in Schools
Period: to
22 Million Immigrants Come to the United States
John Dewey
Publishes "School and Society" critiquing the current educational system's inventory of teaching materials. -
2 Million Children Working in 1910
Mayor of New York Adopts Dewey System of Progressive Education
1 Million Students are being Subjected to the IQ Tests
Child Labor Banned
Students must continue in school until 16. -
Brown v. Board of Education Decision
United States Supreme Court Abolishes Segregation in Public Schools
National Defense of Edcuation Act
$100 Million being allocated for public education. -
Civil Rights Act of 1964
Race and ethnicity may not be used to discriminate in federally funded programs. -
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
$4 Billion provided to disadvantaged students -
Busing Students in Within City Limits Helped to Solve Segregated Schools
Title 9
Denied funding to any school discriminating based on gender -
Bi-Lingual Education Gets Federal Funding
Period: to
Standardized Testing Invented and Implemented
New York establishes Choice campaign to allow students to go to any school in the city
Cleveland Ohio Allows Vouchers for Religious Schools
0.25% of the Nation's Schools were showing Channel 1
United States offers education to more children when compared to other countries
Kindergartens are Established