Education Colonial Period
The education at this time was for the wealthy boys in America.
Curriculum was the Alphabet and Protestant beliefs -
Thomas Jefferson Introduced Bill for the General Diffusion of Knowledge
This was introduced in the Virginia Legislature. This brought the idea of improving Education for Children to the Government. -
Sunday Schools Emerged
These schools were originally created to provide schooling for children who worked in Factories. -
Noah Webster "School master of the Republic"
Noah webster created the first Elementary Spelling book ,'The Blue Backed Speller". 75 million copies sold by 1875 -
Northwest Land ordinance
This was led to Scientific Surveying of land which would create towns. Towns would provide schools for children. -
Free schools Emergence
Many types of school emerged for Free education for all -
Monitorial schools
These schools had one teacher for lots of students. They were taught by teacher then continued subject with Tutors. Factory like urban schools was the model. -
Secondary School Movement
This movement started in Boston. Before Civil War the growth of secondary schools was slow. The people did not want more taxes for higher education. After Civil war this Movement grew alot. -
Infant Schools
These schools were started in 1820's . They were schools for 4-7 year olds taught by a women. led to Kindergarten Model in 1850. -
Common School Movement
Lead to production of schools all over the Northern Colonies. This took place over a 35 year span. -
Population growth and Immigration in America
The nineteenth century started with population doubling in America. This was due to large influx of Immigrants. More children meant the need for more schools. This increased The Common School demand -
Horace Mann "Father of American Education"
Became first Secretary of Education. Started School reform by wanting taxes to provide schools for all children. -
The Measurement Movement in Education
This was the beginning of testing Children and comparing them to the Norm. Intelligent Quotient tests and Aptitude tests got brought to the forefront and started to be widely used. These tests were used in 1917 to test Army recruits. Tests Widely usedin 1920. -
National Education association calls for Curriculum Reform
This was aan appointment for a comitee to Look at The guidelines from The Previous Comitee of Ten to revise High school Curriculum to better meet the needs of the Majority. They came up with the Seven Cardinal Principles of Secondary Education. These guidelines led to current High School model. -
John Dewey and The Progressive Reform Movement
This movement called for a child -centered philosophy to Education. This led to the Project Method which wanted Education to be as Life-like as possible. Dewey established a Laboratory school at University of Chicago in 1896. -
World War 2 Impact on Education
The War caused a huge decline in School enrollment. This decline also led teachers to seek other employment. College Enrollment dropped as well. 1943 showed a major increase in Specialized training for Military Service. -
Post World War 2 Impact on Education
The Servicemens Readjustment Act put into place . This was later dubbed the GI Bill. This Increased College Enrollment and from 1946 -1956 The "Baby Boom" reached The kindergartens and Elementary School enrollment increased drastically. -
Brown vs Board of Education
This was the Supreme Court Decision that started Integration in public schools. -
Sputnik was launched and The National Defense Education Act passed
The launching of Sputnik in 1957 createc the fear that American education was behind the times. This led to an increase in Math,Science and Engineering subjects to compete with the World. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-mZ9pKvCmk -
Civil Rights Act
This created full Integration for schools everywhere This also brought the War on Poverty to the forefront. This called for better schools and in order to implement this Federal funding for Schools increased. -
Individuals with Disabilities in Education Act
This act made it mandatory for all children to be educated in public schools. Reforms were made to schools to include accomodations for children with disabilities. -
A Nation at Risk Report
This report said that American Children were behind most of thwe world when it came to Education. They could not compete with other children. This brought Education to the forefront of the political arena. -
President George H. W. Bush tries to pass Reform
president Bush tried to implement National Goals and NationalStandards for Education as well as School choice,which made it possible for parents to choose what school their kids attended. It did not pass congress because of school choice. -
President Bill Clinton
President Clinton passed the reformed Standards because he took out School Vouchers and Choice. -
No Child Left Behind Law
This law increased standardized testing and the measuring of school improvements in the Curriculum. It also set up sanctions for schools that if any group of students did not show Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) , This was a good Idea taken to the extreme. It was modified later.