Maria Montessori 1907 opens her first school.
School attendance becomes compulsory in every U.S. state
School attendance becomes compulsory in every U.S. state.
The Progressive Education Association is founded with the goal of reforming American education.
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is first administered. It is based on the Army Alpha test.
The United States Congress approves the National School Lunch Act of 1946, creating the modern school lunch program.
In the case of McCollum v. Board of Education, the Supreme Court rules that schools cannot allow "released time" during the school day which allows students to participate in religious education in their public school classrooms.
The U.S. Supreme Court rules schools segregated by race are unequal and therefore unconstitutional.
Federal troops enforce integration in Little Rock, Arkansas as the Little Rock 9 enroll at Central High School.
First grader Ruby Bridges is the first African American to attend William Frantz Elementary School in New Orleans. She becomes a class of one as parents remove all Caucasian students from the school.
Congress passes the Elementary and Secondary Education School Act, providing aid to secondary and primary schools and helping educate poor children.
The School Breakfast Program pilot is launched.
Congress passes the Bilingual Education Act, providing the first funding to encourage schools to incorporate native-language education in their curriculum.
Congress approves the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, requiring states to provide free education for all children with disabilities.
The School Breakfast Program becomes permanent
Alabama becomes the first state "to require public schools to check the immigration status" of students.
The Minnesota State High School League votes on December 4 to adopt a policy allowing transgender students to join female sports teams.
President Obama joins the "too-much-testing" movement as his new plan calls for limiting "standardized testing to no more than 2% of class time."
Schools are closed throughout West Virginia on February 22nd as teachers walk out to protest their pay and benefits. West Virginia teacher salaries are among the lowest in the nation.
Thousands of students across the nation walk out of classrooms on March 14 demanding changes in gun laws.
Students from across the nation protest gun violence on April 20th (National Walkout Day), which marks the 19th anniversary of the Columbine High School shooting tragedy.