History of Education

  • Child Study Movement

    Child Study Movement
    The Child Study Movement completely changed the way curriculum was decided in schools. School curriculum now looks at where students are at developmentally instead of the subject matter.
  • Dewey Era

    Dewey Era
    John Dewey brought the opposing perspectives of education to a middle ground. Curriculum is based on schools being a mini-democracy with real life experiences requiring diversity.
  • Brown v. Board of Education

    Brown v. Board of Education
    "Separate but not equal" decision of Supreme Court calls for all students to be good citizens and require access to quality EQUAL education. This is important because minority students can now receive the education they deserve to grow and prosper.
  • Public Law 85-926

    Public Law 85-926
    PL 85-926 supports training and preparation for Special Education Teachers. This is an important step for people with disabilities to have teachers that can support them in an average classroom.
  • Coleman Report

    Coleman Report
    The Coleman Report changed the perspective of school's as the great equalizer. The report put more emphasis on the need of the feeling of control than school itself.